Owner’s Manual Quantum Energy Technologies
Document number: QDC0030PD-11 Page 9 of 40
3f: Cold Water Connection
An approved isolating valve, approved non-return valve, line strainer (optional but recommended),
and union must be fitted between the supply main and the RP ¾ / 20mm socket in the water heater.
All fittings must be approved by the relevant Authority (refer to Figures 1 & 2).
3g: Pressure Reducing Valve
This water heater is designed for direct connection to a maximum water supply pressure of 500
kPa. Where the mains pressure can exceed or fluctuate beyond this pressure, a pressure-limiting
device (complying with AS1357) must be fitted in the cold-water supply line. This device must be
installed after the isolating valve and set at or below 500 kPa (350 kPa if ECV fitted). With a water
supply pressure of 700 kPa, as the tank temperature reaches 55°C, the internal pressure climbs to
1100 kPa (well above the PTR valve rating). Given this 400 kPa rise, even with a 500 kPa supply,
the internal pressure could still reach 900 kPa.
3h: Caution Regarding Glass Lining Of Tank
When making the hot and cold water connections to the tank care should be taken not to apply
excessive strain as damage to the tank spigots or glass lining may occur.
3i: Suitability For Installation In Frost Areas
The R134a refrigerant used has a boiling point of –26°C so there is no risk of damage to the heat
pump from frost. Performance may be reduced in very low temperatures but the system will not be
damaged by such climatic conditions.
3j: Draining Of Tank
Consideration should be given to the possible necessity of draining the tank at some point.
Draining of the tank can be accomplished by the connection of a hose to the cold water inlet and
running to a suitable drain. It will be necessary to disconnect the hot water outlet or PTR valve to
relieve any partial vacuum created as the water flows out.
3k: Hot Water Connection
The hot water pipe should be connected to the RP ¾ / 20mm socket as shown in the Installation
Diagram (Figures 1 & 2). If desired a thermo siphon trap can be installed at the hot water outlet to
further reduce heat loss (a “U” shaped loop will form such a trap– see Figures 1 & 2). For the most
economical operation of the water heater, it is recommended that all hot water lines be insulated.
NOTE: Plugs are supplied with the water heater to plug off the inlet / outlet entries that are not
required. Ensure that adequate sealing tape is applied to the plugs for a tight, leak proof seal.
3l: Tempering Valves
Where a tempering valve is fitted on the hot water outlet of a Quantum (to reduce water
temperature to 50°C as per the plumbing code) ONLY high performance valves suitable for
“Solar” type water heaters are recommended to be used. Standard tempering valves may not
function correctly.