14 www.pridemobility.com Quantum Q4
Power Chair Securement Points
The power chair may be equipped with four (4) tie-down
points for the purpose of securing the unoccupied power
chair during motor vehicle transport. Each tie-down point is
clearly labeled for this purpose.
To secure a power chair equipped with tie-down points:
Always secure the power chair in a forward-facing posi-
tion in the vehicle.
Attach the four tie-down straps only to designated,
labeled transit securement points indicated by anchor
symbols on the power chair. See figures 9 and 10.
Tighten the straps to sufficiently remove all slack.
Never attach tie-downs to adjustable, moving, or
removable parts of the power chair such as armrests,
front riggings, and wheels.
Position the anchor points for the rear tie-down straps
directly behind the rear securement points on the power
chair. The front tie-down straps should be anchored to
floor points that are spaced wider than the power chair to
provide increased stability.
See figure 9.
MANDATORY! The power chair should be
used as indicated in the manufacturer’s
instructions. If you have any questions
about the proper use of your power chair,
contact your Quantum Rehab Provider.
Figure 9. Transit System Securement Brackets
Figure 10. Unoccupied Transit System Securement Points