between 2 questions (“A” and “B”) that a re shown
on the 20Q™ electronic display.
ANSWER MODE – Once a question h as been
selected by a PLAY ER, the DEALER answers the
question (“YES”, “NO”, or “SOMETIMES”) .
YES/ENTER/G UESS – Use the ENTER button
at the beginning of each game to identif y the
number of PLAYE RS. When the game is in
ANSWER MODE, the DEALER will us e this
button to answer “YES” to questions. P LAYERS
use the GUESS button when they want to
guess which OBJECT the DEALER is thinking
of. DEALERS use the GUESS Button w hen
they want to force 20Q™ to guess the TARGET
NO/“A” – When the game is in QUESTIO N
MODE, use this button to select Questio n
“A”. When the game is in ANSWER MODE the
DEALER will use this button to answer “NO” to a
SOMETIMES/ “B” – When th e game is in
QUESTION MODE, use this but ton to select
Question “B”. When the game is in ANSWER
MODE the DEALER will use this button to answer
“SOMETIMES” to a question.
UNDO – This button allows you to go back to
the previous question if you or the DEALE R
mistakenly select or answer a ques tion
incorrectly. PLAY ERS can only use th e UNDO
Button once per round.


DEALER – 20Q™ randomly selects t he DEALER
at the beginning of each round. The DEA LER
takes two 20Q™ CARDS and selects a n object
from the cards. This is the TARGET OBJE CT
that the other 1-3 PLAY ER(S ) are trying to guess.
PLAYER(S) – The 1-3 per son(s) who are tr ying to
guess which TARGET OBJECT the DEALE R has
selected from the 20Q™ CARDS.
20Q™ CARDS – The game includes 50 play ing
cards that contain 20 TARGET OBJECT S on
each card.
20Q™ CARDS “+2” – These 5 card s should
be randomly shuffled througho ut the deck and
played the same way as the standard 20 Q™
CARDS. If a “+2” card is drawn at the beginni ng
of a round, the PLAY ER who correctly gues ses
the TARGET OBJECT receives both car ds on the
TARGET OBJECTS – The 20 items on each of
the 50 20Q™ CARDS.


To start, turn the unit on using the ON/OFF
switch on the bottom of the electronic ga me
board. When prompted, press the YES But ton
to start a new game. Each PL AYER will need
to press their ENTER Button to indicate they
are playing. 20Q™ will confirm the number of
players is correct. Once esta blished, 20Q™ will
randomly select a PL AYER to be the DEALER.
20Q™ will ask the DEALER if he/she is ready.
Press YES to confirm everyone is ready. If 20Q™
does not have the correct number of playe rs,
press NO to go back and select the corre ct
number of PLAYE RS.
Note: The DEALER is playing with 20Q™ and
collects a 20Q™ CARD only if 20Q™ guess es
the correct TARGET OBJECT first . So, it is
important and to the DEALERS advant age to
answer the questions correctly.
Are you ready for the first multiplayer ver sion
of 20Q™? This transformation of the c lassic
handheld game fires up friends an d family as
you go head-to-head with 20Q™ and the other
players. The first player to outwit 20 Q™ and the
other players wins! Sound easy ? Guess again.


Up to 4 friends and family PLAYERS will try to
outwit 20Q™. The DEALER selects two 20Q™
CARDS and chooses an object from one of the
cards. The 20Q A.I. asks questions and reads the
DEALER’S mind. The first PLAYER to guess the
CARD. The first PLAYER to collect three 20Q™
CARDS wins!


ON/OFF – This switch is located o n the bottom
of the unit and will turn the electronic g ame board
ON and OFF.
RESET – This button is located on t he bottom of
the electronic game board. When a b lunt point is
inserted and pressed, it will re set the game to its
original settings.
For up to 4 players / Ages 8 and up
P/N 823D2100 Rev.B
P6624 20Q Family Manual_1L-English, Mattel P/C P6624-0920, P/N 823D2100, Rev.B, Size: 300 x 210mm, Date: June 15, 2009
Once the DEALER is selected by 20Q™, the
DEALER should pull two 20Q™ CARDS fro m
the deck. The DEALER selects one of th e 40
TARGET OBJECTS and writes it down on a
piece of paper and turns it over. The DEALER
should not allow the other PL AYERS to see w hat
he/she has selected. The 2 0Q™ CARDS will
then be placed face up so the other 1-3 potenti al
PLAYE RS can view the TARGET OBJECT S on
each card.
20Q™ will first ask the DEALER if the TARGET
or OTHER” – the DEALER answers “YES” or
“NO” to each question and then announces
which category the TARGET OBJEC T falls under
to the other PLAYE RS.
With a total of twenty questions, ea ch PLAYE R
takes turns, rotating the electron ic game board in
a clockwise direction so the player c an read the
question on the display. The 20Q A.I. will scr oll
two questions scross the LCD scree n. PLAYE RS
will use the “A” or “B” buttons to select the
question they wish the DEALER to answer. Once
the question is selected, the DEALE R will answer
the question “YES”, “NO”, or “SOMETIMES”.
NOTE: After each question is aske d and
answered the 20Q™ electronic game boa rd must
be rotated clockwise and locked in to position
before the next player will be allowed to sele ct
their question.
During game play, it is recommended that e ach
PLAYE R take notes. This will help each PL AYER
keep track of questions and answers to i dentify
and eliminate potential TARGET OBJEC TS.
At any point in the game, a PLAY ER can press
the GUESS Button to guess the potential
TARGET OBJECT. Also, the DEALER can press
the GUESS Button at any time to force 20Q™ to
make a guess.
If the PLAYE R, including 20Q™ representing
the DEALER, guesses incorrec tly, gameplay
continues and the incorrect gue sser is out of
the game. If all PLAY ERS, including 20Q™,
have guessed incorrectly prio r to question 20, all
PLAYE RS will be brought back into the gam e to
continue playing. Once this happen s, PLAYE RS,
including the DEALER, can press the GUES S
Button at any time to make a second guess.
This process continues throug hout the twenty
On / Off Reset
2 2
2 Yes / Guess 3 Sometimes / B
1 No / A