Beyond the Basics
Enter your desired “On” time and press am or pm. Or, you can
press ok if you don’t want to set an On time. Press clear if you
enter a wrong time.
Press ok. TIMER 12 OFF displays in the top line of your security
console and the bottom line displays a (:).
Enter the “Off” time, as in step 2, and press ok. Or, you can
just press ok if you don’t want to set an Off time. Press clear if
you enter a wrong time. The display shows “1. DAILY” on the
bottom line. The top line will be empty.
Using Menu /, you can cycle around “1. DAILY, 2. ONCE
ONLY, and 3. RANDOM.” Select one and press ok. The display
again shows “NEW TIMER.” Use Menu / to review the stored
timers, which will appear in this format (12ON 12:34am and OFF
You can set a total of 12 “timer pairs” (i.e. ON-OFF times). If you
choose to set an “On” time with no corresponding “Off” time
for that unit code (or vice versa) it still counts as a “timer pair.”
“RANDOM” varies the time during the programmed hour.
reviewing/canceling/replacing timersRepeat steps 1-3 under setting your timers on page 16.
You can review your stored timers by pressing Menu /. While
a timer is on the display, pressing clear deletes it. To confirm your
selection, press 1 (for YES) to delete the timer. Pressing 1 takes you
to NEW TIMER, which allows you to enter a new timer. Pressing 2
takes you to NEW TIMER without deleting the one that was on the
screen. Repeatedly press clear to back out of the menu options.
To replace a timer, while a timer is on the display, press ok to go to
the Replace Timer screen.
Selecting 1 (for YES), takes you to the UNIT NUMBER screen, which
allows you to enter a new timer. Selecting 2 (for NO) takes you
to the NEW TIMER screen, so you can enter a new timer without
replacing the existing one. Press clear the back out of the Menu
options. You also can clear all timers as described on page 15.
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