In an emergency, broadcast your “CLIP”:
Call sign — identify yourself
Location — be exact
Injuries — number of injured, type of injuries, and so on
Problem — give complete details. Give information calmly, clearly, and in as few words as possible
6.When you finish transmitting, release PUSH TO TALK. You can now receive transmissions. Adjust VOLUME to the desired listening level.
7.To turn off the CB, turn VOLUME counterclockwise (toward the top of the CB) until you hear it click and OFF appears in the VOLUME window.
Note: VOLUME and RANGE only af- fect reception. They have no effect on transmissions.
Because this is primarily an emer- gency CB, we suggest you leave RANGE set to 10 when you store the CB. This ensures the maximum re- ception range in an emergency.
If you want to eliminate background noise when you are not receiving a strong signal from another CB, wait until you are not receiving a call and turn RANGE clockwise until the back- ground noise stops.