Radio Shack TRC-501 owner manual Troubleshooting, Symptom Check That

Models: TRC-501

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If your CB is not working as it should, follow the suggestions below to see if you can eliminate the problem. If you cannot, take the CB to your local RadioShack store for assistance.



Check That:







Trouble with reception

The CB is turned on.


VOLUME is turned up.


SQUELCH is adjusted properly.


The microphone is securely connected to the





• The antenna cable is securely connected to



both the antenna and the CB.




Trouble with

The CB is turned on.


The microphone is securely connected to the






All connectors are clean and tightened.


• The antenna cable is securely connected to



both the antenna and the CB.


You are fully pressing the microphone talk but-






CB does not work at all

The power supply (either vehicle or 12V DC) is


working and the in-line fuse is not blown; see


“Replacing the Fuse” on Page 16.





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Radio Shack TRC-501 owner manual Troubleshooting, Symptom Check That