Radio Shack TRC-501 owner manual Operation, Receiving Transmissions and Adjusting Squelch

Models: TRC-501

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Before you start using your CB, you should know how to use it effectively and courteously. “CB Operation Tips” on Page 10 has information that will help you use and enjoy your CB.

Note: If the CB picks up unwanted, partial, or very weak transmissions, turn SQUELCH clockwise to decrease the CB’s sensitivity to these signals. If you want to listen to a weak or distant station, turn SQUELCH counterclockwise.


Caution: Do not attempt to use your CB without first connecting an anten- na to it.

1.Turn SQUELCH fully counter- clockwise.

4.Adjust VOLUME to a comfortable listening level.

5.Press DOWN to select lower channel numbers or UP to select higher channel numbers. The channel number appears on the display.



2.To turn on the CB, turn VOLUME clockwise until you hear it click and you hear a hissing sound. The CB displays a channel num- ber.


Important! Channel 9 is reserved for motorist assistance and for reporting emergency information about accidents, hazardous road conditions, and so on. Always give emergency messages priority on Channel 9.

6.To turn off the TRC-501, turn VOLUME counterclockwise until you hear it click.

3.Turn SQUELCH clockwise until the hissing sound stops.


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Radio Shack TRC-501 owner manual Operation, Receiving Transmissions and Adjusting Squelch