To silence the alert tones, press ALERT TONE OFF. WX/ALERT flashes until you switch to WX mode and listen to the broadcast. Or press PTT to silence the alert tones so WX/ALERT stops flashing. Ô
To reduce the alert tone levels for subsequent alerts, hold down ALERT TONE OFF for about two seconds while WX/ALERT flashes. The tone stops and WX/ALERT flashes slowly. If the radio receives a new weather alert, three
To listen to the weather when an alert is received, slide CB/WX to WX. WX/ALERT turns off.
You can set your radio to constantly monitor for emergency (Channel 9) signals. If an emergency signal is received, the CB radio automatically tunes to Channel 9 so you can hear the broadcast. When finished, the radio returns to the previous station. This feature only works in CB mode.
To activate dual watch, press DUAL WATCH. DUAL WATCH lights. Press DUAL WATCH again to deactivate.
The CB’s
1.Make sure the vehicle and CB are turned off.
2.Hold the fuse holder at both ends, push the ends together, twist one end counterclockwise, and pull them apart.
Fuse Holders
3.Remove the old fuse and inspect its condition. If it is blown, insert a new one of the same type and rating. If it is not blown, reinsert it.
4.Push the fuse holder ends together and twist one end clockwise.
You cannot transmit while WX/ALERT flashes in CB mode.
Do not use a fuse with ratings other than those specified here. Doing so will make your CB susceptible to electrical damage.