Installation (continued)

Mounting the bracket and selecting location to run wiring

./4% )NSTRUCTIONSIFOR MOUNTINGUTHET6UU1UBE ISBILLUSTRATED INDTHISIMANUALA using Mounting Bracket Kit part number 31100. This Mounting Bracket Kit and others were designed specifically to mount the Vu Qube to the back of a truck cab. Please contact Wallace Technologies, LLC (866-802-2228) regarding other bracket options.

1.Select and mark both area on back of cab to mount the bracket AND location to run coaxial cable from the Vu Qube to the inside of the cab.


ss"E SURESAT LEAST θ of Vu Qube is above the highest part of the roof so that the antenna can receive adequate signal. The clearance of the Vu Qube is important because the antenna requires a direct line of sight to the satellite in the southern sky to acquire a clear signal.

./4% )F YOU ARE UNABLE TO INSTALLITHES6UU1UBE θ above the cab due

to height restriction, install with the maximum available clearance. With less of the Vu Qube top cover above the cab, there may be difficulty acquiring satellite signal in the Northeastern US (Maine, New Hampshire, Vermont and Massachusetts).

ss4HEH6UU1UBE REQUIRESRAEθ wide space to be mounted.

ss-AKEESURE YOU ALLOWWENOUGH SPACE FOR THE wiring so that the co-axial cable does not have a sharp bend.

ss)T IS BEST TOBSELECT A POSITIONEON THE REARAOF THE CAB FREEOFROMO OBSTRUCTION /BSTRUCTIONSILIKEESMOKEESTACKS BRACKETS ANDAAIR conditioning units may interfere with satellite signal or prevent the satellite signal from reaching the Vu Qube.

ss4HEH6UU1UBE MUSTSBE MOUNTED TOOTHENCABEOF THE VEHICLE -OUNTING directly to the frame (i.e. Headache Rack) will void the warranty.

Vu Qube



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Radio Shack V10 specifications Mounting the bracket and selecting location to run wiring