* Vent lengths are based on a lateral length of 2 ft. Refer to the latest edition of the NFGC for further details.
** Subtract 10 ft per elbow. Max. 4 elbows.
Table N: Category III Horizontal Vent & Horizontal Direct Vent
See Table L for Category I venting guidelines.
It is recommended that the intake vent be insulated in
colder climates.
The flue terminal should be vertical and should termi-
nate outside the building at least 2 ft above the highest
point of the roof within 10 ft. The vent cap should have
a minimum clearance of 4 ft horizontally from and in no
case above or below (unless a 4 ft horizontal distance
is maintained) electric meters, gas meters, regulators
and relief equipment. The distance of the vent terminal
from adjacent public walkways, adjacent buildings,
Fig. 25: Direct Vent - Vertical
open windows and building openings must be consis-
tent with the NFGC (U.S.) or B149 (Canada).
Flues supported only by flashing and extended above
the roof more than 5 ft should be securely guyed or
braced to withstand snow and wind loads.
The air inlet opening MUST be installed 1 ft above the
roof line or above normal snow levels that might ob-
struct combustion air flow. This dimension is critical to
the correct operation of the heater and venting system
and reduces the chance of blockage from snow. The
vent cap must have a minimum 3 ft vertical clearance
from the air inlet opening.
Outdoor Installation
Outdoor models must be vented with listed vent mate-
rial per the following instructions and installed with the
optional factory-supplied outdoor vent kit. A special
vent cap and air intake hood are provided in accor-
dance with CSA requirements. These must be
installed as illustrated in Fig. 26.
Care must be taken when locating the heater out-
doors, because the flue gases discharged from the
vent cap can condense as they leave the cap.
Improper location can result in damage to adjacent
structures or building finish. For maximum efficiency
and safety, the following precautions must be
1. Outdoor models must be installed outdoors and
must use the outdoor vent cap, flow switch cover
and air intake hood available from the manufac-
turer (sales order option D-11).
Vent Size
Horizontal Vent
Height1 (ft)* Combustion Air
Intake Pipe
Air Inlet
Max. Length** (ft)
Min. Max. 6” Ø 8” Ø 10” Ø
Category III
0 75
45 100754 10
1104 10
1504 12
45 85
2004 14