Raytek GP
Noncontact Infrared Temperature Sensor
Product Desciption
The GP™ Series is a versatile,
Along with its large
The GP monitor provides adjustable emissivity when used with the GPR and GPM infrared sensors. This high performance, 8 to 14 micron infrared sensor with detachable cable combines current loop driven signals with 35:1 optics.
The GPM sensor is a miniature stainless steel sensing head with 2:1 or 10:1 optics. The GP monitor also works with other Raytek infrared sensors, including the CI and MID.
•Temperature range from
•Compact 1/8 DIN digital monitor with large
•Monitor and sensor functions configured on front panel
•Signal processing capabilities typically found on much larger systems
•Adjustable emissivity
•Adjustable dual setpoints and deadband alarm outputs
•Choice of sensing head to match application requirements
•Standard- and
•Accessories for cooling and air purging
•Field interchangeable sensing heads