As general rule, if clothes are sorted properly for the washer, they are sorted properly for the dryer.
Sort by color
(Separate colorfast from
Separate by fabric type
•Cottons and linens
•Permanent press cottons and blends
•Synthetic and poly knits
Separate lint producers from lint collectors
•Lint producers: terry cloth and chenille
•Lint collectors: velveteen and corduroy
Sort by weight
•Heavy Items
•Light Items
Loading Hints
•Avoid drying very small loads.
•Sort clothes by weight so you won’t have to run an extra cycle for one or two heavier, slower drying items.
•Do not add fabric softener sheets once the load has become warm. This may cause fabric softener stains.
•Do not overload. This causes inefficient operation and unnecessary wrinkling. Clothes need to tumble freely.
•Do not dry the following items:
•Fiberglass items
•Rubber coated items
•Items with plastic trim