Transferring Music
Yahoo! Music Unlimited: Supercharge the Engine
Yahoo! Music Unlimited is a subscription service with access to over 1 million songs, plus much more. For a low monthly price, you can:
•add any of those million songs to your personal music library to listen,
•transfer to your digital audio player,
•share with others*,
•buy burnable downloads,
•listen to LAUNCHcast Plus, the
To subscribe, click Y! Unlimited in the | EN |
left navigation pane then click on the |
graphic offering you a |
If you have a Yahoo! ID, you will be |
taken through the account setup |
process. If you do not have a Yahoo! ID, |
you will be prompted to sign up for a |
free Yahoo! account, then you will be |
taken through the Y! Music Unlimited |
setup process. |
For more information, please visit: |
http://music.yahoo.com |
* Yahoo! Music does not permit copying or transferring music files to other users.