Set up the VCR 6
Signal type, changing 10 SLOW button 18
Solving problems 44 SP 20 Specifications 47 SPEED button 18 STOP button 19 STOP•EJECT button 42 Stopping a timer recording 26
Tape eject 20
Tape Speeds 20
Time and date setting 11 Time Counter 33 TIMER indicator 43 Timer recording 22, 23
stopping 26
with VCR Plus+ 22 Tips, troubleshooting 44 TRACK buttons 19 Tracking 33 Troubleshooting tips 44 TV•VCR button 19
VCR channel list 8
VCR, cleaning 47
VCR Indicator 43
VCR Plus+
setting up channels 12 worksheet for channels 12
VCR Plus+ channel list 12 Canada 13
USA 12
VCR Plus+ channels 12
VCR Plus+ recording 25 VCR viewing channel 5
Warranty, limited 48
XPR (express recording) 22