5. For safe operation
1.Read this manual carefully until you completely understand and follow all safety and operating instructions.
2.Keep this manual handy so that you may refer to it later whenever any questions arise. Also note, if you have any questions which cannot be answered herein, contact the dealer from whom you purchased the product.
3.Always be sure to include this manual when selling, lending, or otherwise transferring the ownership of this product.
4.Never allow children or anyone unable to fully understand the directions given in the manual to use the machine.
1.When using the product, you should wear proper clothing and protective equipment.
(2)Ear protectors
(3)Protection goggles or face protector
(4)Thick work gloves
2.And you should carry with you.
(1)Attached tools and files
(2)Properly reserved fuel
(3)Spare blade
(4)Things to notify your working area (rope, warning signs)
(5)Whistle (for collaboration or emergency)
(6)Hatchet or saw (for removal of obstacles)
3.Do not wear loose clothing, jewelry, short trousers, sandals, or go barefoot. Do not wear anything which might be caught by a moving part of the unit. Secure hair so it is above shoulder length.
1.Never start the engine inside a closed room or building. Exhaust gases contain dangerous carbon monoxide.
2.Never use the product:
a.when the ground is slippery or when you can’t maintain a steady posture.
b.At night, at times of heavy fog, or at any other times when your field of vision might be limited and it would be difficult to gain a clear view of the working area.
c.During rain storms, during lightning storms, at times of strong or
1. You should never use the product when under the influence of alcohol, when suffering from exhaustion or lack of sleep, when suffering from drowsiness as a result
of having taken cold medicine or at any
other time when a possibility exists that your judgment might be impaired or that you might not be able to operate the product properly and in a safe manner.
2.When planning your work schedule, allow plenty of time to rest. Limit the amount of time over which the product is to be used continuously to somewhere around
1.If you don’t observe the working time, or working manner (See ■USING THE
PRODUCT), Repetitive Stress Injury(RSI) could occur.
If you feel discomfort, redness and swelling of your fingers or any other part of your body, see a doctor before getting worse.
2.To avoid noise complaints, in general, operate product between 8a.m. and 5p.m. on weekdays and 9a.m. to 5p.m. weekends.
Check and follow the local regulations as to sound level and hours of operations for the product.
1. Operate the chain saw only in well ventilated areas. Never start or run the engine inside a closed room or building. Exhaust fumes contain dangerous carbon monoxide.
2. The area within a perimeter of 50 feet (15
m)of the person using the product should be considered a hazardous area into which no one should enter. If necessary yellow warning rope, warning signs should be placed around the perimeter of the area. When work is to be performed simultaneously by two or more persons, care should also be taken to constantly look around or otherwise check for the presence and locations of other people working so as to maintain a distance