ATTENTION • BeforeusingyourDigitalVelocityiron,removeallpaperorplasticbags,plastic
sheets, cards and possible stickers that may be on the outside or inside of
the appliance that acted as handling protection or sales promotion material.
• Readtheseinstructionsbeforerstusingtheiron.
• Donotplugitinwithoutcheckingthatthevoltageoftheironisthesame
as your home power.
• Takecarethattheironcorddoesnottouchthehotpartsoftheiron.
• Ifyouaregoingtoironwithsteam,refertothesection“BeforeStartingToIron”
to extend the life of the independent steam chamber.
• Tolltheironorrellitduringironing,followtheinstructionssetoutin
using the accompanying water jug.
• Donotworryiftheirongivesoffalittlesmokeduringrstuse.Itwill
soon disappear.
• Donotspray“vertical”steamonagarmenthanginginthewardrobeor
on a person. Vertical ironing (steaming) must be done with the garment on
a hanger and away from people or animals.
• Keeptheironinanuprightpositionduringstorage,leaningonitsheelpart,
set on a stable surface.
• Whenyounishironing,alwaysemptythewaterfromthetank.Ifyouwant
to drain it while ironing, always unplug the appliance from the main outlet first.
• Todisconnecttheiron,neverpullonthepowercord,takeouttheplug.
• Ifthepowercordisdamaged;topreventrisks,haveitreplacedatanAfter
• Theironshouldnotbeusedifithasbeendroppedorhasacrackorleak
in the water tank. If you observe any of these problems, take the iron to
• Donotleavetheapplianceinoperationunattended.Keepitoutofthe
reach of children.
• Thisironisnotforusebypersons(includingchildren)whosephysical,senso-
rial or mental capacities are impaired, or who lack sufficient experience or
knowledge, unless they have been supervised or instructed in the use of the
appliance by a person responsible for their safety.
IMPORTANT: When you want to dispose of the appliance, NEVER throw it in the
garbage. Instead, go to your closest recycling station or waste collection centre
for subsequent treatment. In this way, you will be contributing to looking after
the environment.