M16C/26 Group
Rev.0.90 2003.12.28 page 16 of 28
Under development
Preliminary specification
Specifications in this manual are tentative and subject to change.
1.6.2 TransmissionWhen an external clock is selected, the conditions must be met while if the UiC0 register’s CKPOL bit =
“0” (transmit data output at the falling edge and the receive data taken in at the rising edge of the transfer
clock), the external clock is in the high state; if the UiC0 register’s CKPOL bit = “1” (transmit data output at
the rising edge and the receive data taken in at the falling edge of the transfer clock), the external clock is
in the low state.
• The TE bit of UiC1 register= “1” (transmission enabled)
• The TI bit of UiC1 register = “0” (data present in UiTB register)
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• If CTS function is selected, input on the CTSi pin = “L”
1.6 Precautions for Serial I/O (Clock-synchronous Serial I/O)