Operational Specifications
3.3.4 Switch and LED Functions
Rev.1.0 July 21, 2006 3-16
3.3.4 Switch and LED Functions The M3A-HS25 includes six switches and seven LEDs.
Table 3.3.5 lists switches mounted on M3A-HS25.
Table 3.3.5Switches Mounted on M3A-HS25
No. Function Remarks
SW1 System power on/off switch -
SW2 System reset input switch ref. section 2.6
SW3 DIP switch for users
SW3-1 OFF : PB1=H, ON : PB1=L
SW3-2 OFF : PB2=H, ON : PB2=L
SW3-3 OFF : PB3=H, ON : PB3=L
SW3-4 OFF : PB5=H, ON : PB5=L
PB1, PB2, PB3 and PB5 are pulled up.
ref. section 2.4
SW4 DIP switch for CPU mode setting ref. Table 3.3.6
SW5 NMI input switch ref. section 2.7
SW6 IRQ0 input switch ref. section 2.7
Table 3.3.6 lists functions of switch SW4.
SH7125 operating mode is determined by the setting of the MD1 and FWE pins. Table 3.3.7 lists the selection of
SH7125 operating modes.
Table 3.3.6 Functions of Switch SW4
No. Setting Function
OFF FWE=H (Releasing the writing/erasing protects of on-chip flash memory) SW4-1
FWE ON FWE=L (Setting the writing erasing protects of on-chip flash memory)
OFF MD1 pin state “H” SW4-2
MD1 ON MD1 pin state “L”
Operating mode
(ref. Table 3.3.7)
OFF Test pin (H8) “H” SW4-3
TP ON Test pin (H8) “L”
: Initial Setting
Note: The setting of SW4-1 is activated only when the FWE pin select jumper (JP2) is set to “2-3”.
Table 3.3.7 Selection of SH7125 operating modes
SH7125 Operating mode
MD1 Operating mode Mode name
ON ON - Setting prohibited
ON OFF Mode3 Single chip mode
OFF ON Mode4 Boot mode*
OFF OFF Mode6 User Programming mode*
: Initial Setting
Note* “Boot mode” and “User Programming mode” mean the programming mode of on-chip flash memory.