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4.4 Setting Jumper Switches

(1) Jumper Switch SW1

Set the jumper switch SW1 according to the output format of the MCU ports P20 to P23. The examples
of switch settings are shown in Table 4.1 and Figure 4.3.
When ports P20 to P23 are CMOS output ........................................................SW1: CMOS
When ports P20 to P23 are Pch output..............................................................SW1: Pch
•When ports P20 to P23 are Nch output............................................................. SW1: Nch

(2) Jumper Switch SW2

Set the jumper switch SW2 according to the output format of the MCU ports P24 to P27. The examples
of switch settings are shown in Table 4.1 and Figure 4.3.
When ports P24 to P27 are CMOS output ........................................................SW2: CMOS
When ports P24 to P27 are Pch output..............................................................SW2: Pch
•When ports P24 to P27 are Nch output............................................................. SW2: Nch

(3) Jumper Switch SW3

Set the jumper switch SW3 according to the specification of the sub-clock XCIN pin. The examples
of switch settings are shown in Table 4.1 and Figure 4.3.
When XCIN pin is dedicated pin for XCIN.......................................................... SW3: ON
When XCIN pin is used also as a general I/O port (e.g. P80/XCIN)....................SW3: OFF
•When there is no XCIN pin................................................................................ SW3: OFF
Table 4.1 Jumper switch settings of M38B79FFFP
Figure 4.3 Jumper switch settings
Note: Switch settings for
SW1 ....... Pch
SW2 ....... Pch
SW3 ....... ON