3. Initializing the measured result
To initialize the measured result, select [Initialize] from the popup menu in the [Performance
Analysis] window or specify INIT with the PERFORMANCE_ANALYSIS command.
2.2.8 Notes on U Standby St ate
Controlling Vcc (main) in the U standby state clears settings for peripheral modules in the SH7339
in which the emulator uses for debugging. Thus the appropriate function must be selected in the
[Recovery Information] page of the [Configuration] dialog box so that debugging can be
continued after returning to the U standby state.
Note: When using the U standby state, be sure to connect the /CA pin to the emulator.
Table 2.12 lists the items to be selected in the [Recovery Information] page of the [Configuration]
dialog box.
Table 2.12 Selected Items in the [Recovery Information] Page
Selected Item Description
Configuration dialog information Resets the information on the [General] page in
the [Configuration] dialog box.
Break Condition (UBC) Resets the conditions of Break Condition.
Trace Acquisition Condition (AUD) Resets the AUD trace conditions.
Performance Analysis Condition (PPC) Resets the performance conditions.