Displayed values
Value Range Display resolution
Pressure sensor at air outlet
Mask pressure 4-20 cm H2O (CPAP); 2-25 cm
H2O (S, ST, T, PAC, iVAPS) 0.1 cm H2O
Flow derived values
Leak 0
200 L/min 1 L/min
Tidal volume 0
4000 mL 1 mL
Respiratory rate 0
50 BPM 1 BPM
Minute ventilation 0
30 L/min 0.1 L/min
Ti 0.1
4.0 sec 0.1 sec
I:E ratio 1:50
2:1 0.1
Value Accuracya
Pressure measurementa
Mask pressure ±0.5 cm H2O (+4% of measured value)
Flow measurementsa
Leakb ±12 L/min or 20% of reading, whichever is greater, at 0 to
60 L/min
Tidal volumeb.c ±20%
Respiratory rateb,c ±1 BPM
Minute ventilationb, c ±20%
a. Results are expressed at ATPD (Ambient Temperature and Pressure, Dry).
b. Accuracy may be reduced by the presence of leaks, supplemental oxygen, tidal volumes <100 mL
or minute ventilation <3 L/min.
c. Measurement accuracy verified as per EN ISO 10651-6:2009 for Home Care Ventilatory Support
Devices (Figure 101 and Table 101) using nominal ResMed mask vent flows.