Preparing the Machine

Printing with Parallel Connection


This describes how to install the PCL or RPCS printer driver when using the par-

allel port.


To use a machine connected using a parallel interface, click [LPT1] when installing the printer driver.


The printer driver for Windows NT 4.0 is not included on the supplied CD- ROM. Download the printer driver for Windows NT 4.0 from the supplier’s website. For details, ask your sales/service representatives.

To install this printer driver under Windows 2000/XP Professional, Windows Server 2003, and Windows NT 4.0, you must have an account that has Man- age Printers permission. Log on as an Administrators or Power Users group member.

Depending on which options are installed on the machine, the PCL printer language is optional. In that case, installing the optional PCL unit is required to use the PCL 6/5e printer drivers.

Installing the RPCS or PCL Printer Driver

A Quit all applications currently running.

B Insert the CD-ROM into the CD-ROM drive.

The installer starts.

C Select an interface language, and then click [OK].

The default interface language is English.

D Click [RPCS Printer Driver] or [PCL Printer Driver].

To install RPCS printer drivers, click [RPCS Printer Driver]. To install PCL printer drivers, click [PCL Printer Driver].

E The software license agreement appears in the [License Agreement] dialog box.

After reading the agreement, click [I accept the agreement.], and then click [Next >].

F Select the printer driver you want to use in the [Select Program] dialog box.

You can select several printer drivers.

G Click [Next >].

H Select the [Printer Name] check box to select the printer model you want to use.

The printer name can be changed in the [Change settings for 'Printer Name'] box.