Product Support Guide
D052 / D053 / D054
Ver. 1.5 Page 26 of 41 12/12/2008
Scanner Items Specifications
Resolution: 100 / 200 / 300 / 400 / 600 dpi (Default =200dpi)
100 – 1200 dpi (Twain: B/W)
Scan Speed: ) 75ipm (A4, 200dpi)
Max. Scan area 297mm x 432mm
sRGB Support No
Network Interface: Ethernet 10 Base-T/100BaseTX, Giga Ethernet
IEEE 1394, Wireless LAN (802.11b)
Protocol: Network: TCP/IP
Sending E-mail: SMTP, POP3
Scan to Folder: SMB, FTP, NCP
File Format TIFF (Multi/Single), JPEG, PDF (Multi/Single)
Scan Type Default: BW TEXT
Support: BW OCR, BW Text/Photo, BW Photo, BW Grayscale,
Image Density Auto Density Selection
Manual: 7 levels
SADF / Batch Mode: Yes
Mixed Size Mode: No
Scan to E-mail
Requirement: SMTP Gateway and TCP/IP
Authorization SMTP
POP before SMTP
Resolution: 100dpi, 200dpi (Default), 300dpi, 400dpi, 600dpi
MAX E-mail address# in HDD: 2,000 addresses
Register Group address in HDD: Max. 500 addresses Minimum 100 Addresses in One Group Address
Maintain E-mail address in HDD: Direct input on operation panel,
Web Image Monitor, Smart Net Monitor
Input of destination E-mail
address via soft key: Possible, Max. 65 destinations per job
Search E-mail address in HDD: By name and E-mail address
LDAP Search: Yes
Max. address numbers per send: Max. 500 addresses per send *1
Address from HDD address book *1 Max. 500
Address directly input via soft key *1 *2 Max. 100
Address numbers per send:
Address looked up via LDAP *1 *2 Max. 100
Attention: To, cc, bcc
Manual Input Max. 128 Characters via soft key Subject: Pre-register by
user 24 subjects.
Max. 20 Characters per a subject
Manual Input Max. 80 Characters via soft key
Pre-register by
user 5 body messages. 80 characters x 5 lines per a body message
Title name of the body message: Max. 20 characters per a name
Preset Message: “This e-mail included attached file sent from xxxx(machine
model name).”
E-mail Size (with restriction): 128 - 102,400KB, Default = 2,048KB
E-mail Size (w/o restriction): 725MB
File type: Single Page TIFF/JPEG, Single Page PDF, Multi Page TIFF, Multi
Page PDF,
Program User Setting: Yes (up to 10 programs)
Divide and send e-mail: Yes (By page or size) / No, Default = Yes(By size)
Resend: Yes / No, Default = Yes
*1: Address from HDD address book + Address input via soft key + Address looked up via LDAP = Max.500.
*2: Address directly input via soft key + Address looked up via LDAP = Max. 100.
Subject to change without notice