Product Support Guide
D052 / D053 / D054
Ver. 1.5 Page 36 of 41 12/12/2008
Features PCL 5e/
6 RPCS Windows
Mac OS
8.6-9.2 Mac OSX
Quality N Y N N N
Speed N Y N N N
User ID Y Y Y Y Y*1
User Code Y Y Y Y Y*1
User Authentication Y Y N N N
Encryption/Encoding Y Y N N N
User Defined Pages Y N N N N
Mirror Image Print N N Y Y N
Negative Image Print N N Y Y N
Edge to Edge Print Y Y Y Y Y
Limitation setting Y Y N N N
Y: supported
N: not supported
*1: Available with MAC OS X 10.2 or later
*2: “Centering” feature cannot be selected from PCL driver. However PCL has this feature as the original function.
When printing with Reduce/Enlarge (Zoom) feature of PCL driver, output is automatically centered by PCL original
centering function.
*3: This feature cannot be selected from printer driver. This is enabled by PCL Menu in the User Tool, which is access
from MFP main unit.
Subject to change without notice