Note: If you click COPY/PRINT or FAX, the dialog box for editing and adjusting the settings will have a Device tab for selecting options for a printer or copier. See the Help menu for more information.
Selecting the proper scan setting before final scanning provides the best results. The scan setting determines the sharpness of the object and the number of possible shades of gray or color. Scan settings also affect the speed of the scan and the file size.
The following table shows the
Scan Setting | Default Setting | To Scan | Description |
Faxing, Filing, | Black and white, | Newspaper and maga- | Provides the fastest |
or Copying | 200 DPI | zine articles, receipts, | scan time and smallest |
| forms, and other text | file size. |
| objects |
Editing Text | Black and white, | Business letters, con- | Enhances the use of |
(OCR) | 300 DPI | tracts, memos, and other | OCR software for con- |
| documents you want to | verting object text to |
| edit | editable text. Provides |
| higher quality and larger |
| file size than the Faxing, |
| Filing, or Copying scan |
| setting. |
Grayscale, 100 | Provides the best set- | ||
White Photo | DPI |
| ting for |
| photos |
Color | Color, 100 DPI | Color pages with many | Creates a quality |
Photo — |
| graphics, or mixed graph- | scanned color object in |
Faster |
| ics and text, line art, or | a file that is not too |
| photos that require a | large. PaperPort’s |
| quick scan | default setting. |
Color | Color, 200 DPI | Photos and color objects | Provides the ideal set- |
Photo — |
| ting for color objects, |
Better Quality |
| object editing, desktop |
| publishing, and high- |
| quality output. Results |
| in a color scan with |
| slower scan time and |
| larger file size. |
Configuring the Scanner | 17 |