Distribution by E-Mail
You can distribute a DPM template by E-Mail. In order to do this, DPM will
create a PDF file for each record in your database and send it to an address given
in the database, using your standard mail program.
To send the template by E-Mail, select File » Send as E-Mail. This will show
the following dialog:
Select the Windows printer corresponding to your DDP Server to let DPM
confirm its license.
Select the database column to be used as recipients. The E-Mail addresses of the
recipients must be contained in the database. Make sure all entries are valid E-
Mail addresses, like “a.user@company.com”.
Select select the first and last document instance to be sent.
Enter the subject of the E-Mail.
Enter the name to be used for the attachment file. The attachment will be a PDF
file containing the personalized document as shown in DPM’s preview mode.
Select a text file for the body of the E-Mail. If you don’t want to include extra
text, leave the field empty. The text file may include placeholders. Placeholders
are replaced with database values in the same way as placeholders in the
template. I.e., the delimiters and tags must be the same as determined in the
settings of the DPM job.
18 Viewing and printing a DPM Template Database Print Manager Reference