Creating a DPM Template

Preparing a Database

It is recommended to first create and fill in data into a database or identify an
existing database to use with a DPM job. Type of data supported by DPM
include text strings and graphics or images. Graphics/image formats supported
include but are not limited to eps, TIFF and jpg.
After preparing the database, a DPM control file can be created.

Creating a DPM control file

The DPM control file contains additional information needed by DPM to
personalize the template document.
To create a DPM control file, launch DPM. DPM shows an empty Settings
dialog. Fill in the information required in the dialog.
To fill in the template name, select Browse across from Template, and select the
template’s PDF filename.
Choose the marker used in the template.
To fill in a database, select Browse across from Database. For further
information see Selecting a Database Source.
If the database contains more than one table, select the table to be used by DPM.
To refine the database selection, click Manual query and enter an SQL query
manually. To return to a simple query, click Automatic query.
To fill in the image path, select Browse across from Image Path.
Once the database source has been established, a list of tags is presented. By
default, tags are qualified as text tags. This means that they are used as they
appear in the database view.
Qualify tags representing numbers or date/time correspondingly if you want to
format them specifically. DPM offers a number of choices for representing
numerical values, including 5 digit postal codes and monetary values. DPM also
offers a numbers of choices for representing dates and times.
4 Creating a DPM Template Database Print Manager Reference