10 Rinnai Corporation RHFE-750ETR
Programming the clock and timersThe clock must be set before the timers will operate.
The temperature setting during timer operation is the
temperature last used when the appliance was on.
During the steps below, if no button is pressed for 90
seconds then the screen will return to the current time
1. Press the TIME SET button. The display
will show the words “Clock Set” and “AM
12:00” or the time.
2. Use the UP or DOWN buttons to set the
desired clock time.
NOTE: If you do not want to set the timers
now then press the TIME SET button five
more times to finish setting the clock.
3. Press the TIME SET button. “Timer 1
Set ON” and “AM 6:00” or
the last programmed time
will be displayed. Use the
UP or DOWN buttons to
set the desired on time.
When finished press the
TIME SET button.
4. “Timer 1 Set OFF” and
“AM 9:00” or the last
programmed time will be
displayed. Use the UP or
DOWN buttons to set the
desired off time. When
finished press the TIME
SET button.
5. To set Timer 2 repeat
steps 3 and 4. If finished
press the TIME SET
button two more times to
complete setting the clock
and Timer 1.
Pre-heat The appliance may operate up to one hour before the
programmed ON time in order to allow the room to
reach the desired temperature by the programmed
ON time. The pre-heat time (how long before the
programmed ON time that the appliance will provide
heat) is determined by the difference between the
temperature setting and the room temperature one
hour before the programmed ON time.
Tem p er a t ur e
Clo c kAM
Tim er 1SetSet ON OFFON OFFTim er 2 SetOverri deA uto OffTim e
Fla m eTem p er a t ur e
Clo c kAM
PMTim er 1SetSet ON OFFON OFFTim er 2 SetOverri deA uto OffTim e
Fla m eTim e
Using the TimersCheck the temperature setting before using the
One or both timers can be used. To allow
the appliance to operate during the pre-
programmed times press the TIMER 1 and/
or TIMER 2 button. The display will briefly
show the “on” and “off” times for each timer.
If the current time is outside of the
programmed times then the appliance will
Tim er 1
Tim er 2Using the OverrideThis function is used to manually override
Timer programmed operation.
If the appliance is
operating in Timer mode
then pressing
OVERRIDE will turn the
it OFF and cause the
word “Override” to be
displayed for 10
If the appliance is in
Timer mode but outside
of the programmed time
for operation then pressing OVERRIDE will turn the
appliance ON.
OVERRIDE does not change the programmed times.
Tem p er a t u r eLockClo c kAMPMTim er 1SetSet ON OFFON OFFTim er 2 SetOverri deAut o OffTim eFla m eOverr ide
go into standby mode and the Timer Indicator will
glow green.
To turn the timers off press the appropriate timer
button again. If the appliance was on, it will return to
standby mode and the Operation Indicator will glow
The Timer Indicator will not display if both timers are
turned off.