Distributed intelligence
Unlike other switches on the market, Alcatel OmniSwitch are unique in that they are able to provide Smart Continuous Switching by using a design where most processes are distributed and handled on the network interfaces themselves, relegating the CMM to a coordination role. A bottleneck is avoided by not using a centralized control plane architecture where the CMM – the key management module – is responsible for all processing. The distributed design allows key processes such as Spanning Tree to maintain a fully operational state, even during a
Multi-layer security
With networks under constant attack from the outside world and even from within the company, a network needs to provide easy access to users and resources, yet possess extensive security features that can be managed across a global enterprise. The OS9000s provide
•User authentication
•Virtual local area networks (VLANs)
•Quarantine VLANs
•Access control lists (ACLs)
•Restricts user ports from sending control traffic (BPDU, RIP, OSPF, BGP)
•Prevents IP source address spoofing
•Authenticated switch access
•Encryption for secure management (SSHv2 / HTTPs / SNMPv3)
•Denial of service protection
Advanced network policies for secure & converged networks
Advanced network policies ensure that users and applications get the priority and performance they need with ease of use management that extends across the enterprise. The OS9000s feature
The OS9000s provide application aware switching for layers 2, 3, and 4 and the most advanced classification, prioritization, and queuing schemes in the industry. It also supports industry classification standards including 802.1Q/p, TOS, and DiffServ, and is enhanced with complementary features such as extensive QoS mappings and