This product is protected by certain intel lectual propert y rights of Microsoft Corp oration. Use or
distribution of such technology outside o f this product is prohibited wi thout a license from Microsof t or an
authorized Microsoft subsidiary.
Limited WarrantyRoku SoundBridge is covered by a one year parts a nd labor warranty.
Roku SoundBridge Limited Warrant y
1. Warranty. ROKU, LLC (“ROK U”) warrants your Sou ndBridge and any included access ories against
defects in material or workmanship as follo ws:
For a period of one (1) year from the date of purchase (“ Warranty Period”) , if ROKU determines that
the SoundBridge is defective, ROKU will re pair the unit or replace the unit ( with either a new or rebuilt
SoundBridge unit), at its option, at no ch arge and, if applicable, wil l pay the labor charges incurred
by any SoundBridge authorized service fa cility. If the Warranty Period has e xpired, the customer is
responsible for the payment of all labor charge s and may obtain parts from RO KU authorized service
facilities or a SoundBridge service cente r at his or her own expense.
2. Warranty Servi ce Process. To obtain warrant y service, you must first obt ain an RMA number (Retur n
Merchandise Authorization) from a Technical Supp ort Representative at ROK U. A Technical Support
Representative may be reached by emailing supp ort@rokulabs.com o r calling our toll free number
for customer care (1-866-400-7658 from the US) . Once an RMA number is obtain ed, your SoundBridge
must be shipped freight prepaid, in either i ts original packaging or p ackaging affording an e qual
degree of protection, to the SoundBridg e authorized distribution f acility. If ROKU determines that
the returned unit is defective, ROKU will eit her repair the unit or will suppl y, at no charge and within a
reasonable period of time, a new or rebuilt So undBridge unit in exchange for t he defective unit.
In addition, all accessories must be returned w ith the defective SoundBr idge. A new or factory
refurbished set of accessories will be furn ished with the replacement Soun dBridge. Failure to return
any of the accessory items could result in a delay in receiv ing the replacement SoundBr idge, and/or
result in an invoice for the missing accessories.
Important: When emai ling for an RMA number, please provid e the following information :
a. mode l number
b. serial number
c. pr oblem description