Additional Convenient Functionality <Advanced Operation>
Choosing a different voice for a tilt
tab (Voice Palette function)
The C-230 contains 4 different voices for each of the 2
ORGAN BASS and the 9 CLASSIC ORGAN tilt tabs. The
[PRINCIPAL 8’] tab, for instance, can be used to select
the Principal 8’, Open Diapason 8’, Montre 8’ or Prinzi-
pal 8’ voice. See p. 43 for a complete list of the available
voices. To select a different voice for one of the tilt tabs,
proceed as follows:
1. Press and hold the lower part of the tilt tab for which
you wish to select a different voice.
After a few seconds, the tilt tab flashes and one button in
the Harpsichord section lights to indicate which of the
four voices is selected. The other 3 buttons flash.
2. To choose a different voice, press the desired button in
the Harpsichord section.
The button you press lights, while the remaining three
buttons flash. You can play on the keyboard to audition
the voice you selected.
3. If you are satisfied with the newly selected voice, you
can press the lower part of the flashing tilt tab you
selected earlier.
(If you are not satisfied, you can return to the previously
selected voice by pressing the upper part of the tilt tab.)
4. Repeat steps (1)~(3) above to change the voicing of
other tilt tabs.
If you want to use the newly selected voice each time
you press this tab even after switching the C-230 off and
back on again, save your settings to the Global area (see
p. 30). Your settings can also be saved to one of the four
memories (see p. 25).
Changing the volume of each
Palette voice
You can also set the volume of the newly selected voice
(see above) to set the desired balance with respect to the
remaining organ voices you may be using simulta-
neously (by switching on other tilt tabs).
1. Press and hold the lower part of the tilt tab for which
you wish to change the volume setting (the tilt tab
2. To change the volume of the currently selected voice
(i.e. the one assigned to the Harpsichord button that
lights), rotate the [Satellite Volume] knob.
3. Press the lower part of a tilt tab that flashes.
That tilt tab now lights steadily.
The volume settings of the various voices can be stored
in the C-230’s Global area (see p. 30).
Choosing different organ voices and setting their volume (Voice Palette)
8’¡ 8’™ 4’ Lute
8’¡ 8’™ 4’ Lute
8’¡ 8’™ 4’ Lute
C-230_e.book Page 28 Tuesday, May 19, 2009 10:22 AM