SET COMMON parameters
SET COMMON parameters
The SET COMMON group contains parameters that apply to all sections, but only within the framework
of the currently selected Set, most notably the parameters that specify the sound/character of the
Reverb, Chorus and Delay effects.
Never switch off the FR-7/FR-5 or select another Set
before saving the settings you wish to keep, because
doing so will erase your changes.
Be aware that the save function explained below only
saves the SET COMMON parameters. It does not save
the settings of the various sections and/or registers.
Any changes you make can be saved even without
using the WRITE function (see p. 77). To avoid losing
your changes, it would be a good idea to take advan-
tage of the following automatic routine.
Whenever you press [EXIT÷JUMP] after editing a Menu
parameter, the FR-7/FR-5 asks you whether you want
to save your changes:
“YES” is selected by default. If you want to save your
changes, proceed as described below. (If you don’t, turn
the [DATA÷ENTER] knob to select “NO”, then press the
[DATA÷ENTER] knob.)
Note: You can save your changes later using the WRITE function
(see p. 77). But be sure to do so before selecting another Set –
and before switching the FR-7/FR-5 off.
To save your changes:
(1) Press the [DATA÷ENTER] knob. The display now
responds with:
(2) If necessary, select another Set by turning the
[DATA÷ENTER] knob.
For your reference (and to avoid overwriting the
wrong SET COMMON settings), the display also shows
the name of the target Set memory (below the
(3) Press the [MENU÷WRITE] button to save your
changes. The display now briefly confirms that
your settings have been stored:
The settings you perform here apply to all sections that
use the effect in question. Especially for the Reverb and
Chorus effects, it is therefore wise to work with univer-
sally usable settings. Try to consider these two as “gen-
eral” effects that will be used by several parts at once.
The Delay effect, on the other hand, is probably only
useful when applied to one part (because too many
repeated sounds clutter up the sound image).
The connection of the sections with the effects proces-
sors is as follows:

7.1 Reverb Macro Type

This is where you can specify
what kind of effect the Reverb
processor should generate and
how loud it should be.
Note: You can also copy the Reverb
(or even all effects) settings from another Set. See page 64.
(1) If necessary, press the [DATA÷ENTER] knob to select
the “TYPE” parameter, then rotate the
[DATA÷ENTER] knob to select an effect type.
The TYPE parameter on this page is a “Macro” func-
tion, i.e. it recalls suitable preset values for all Reverb
parameters (Pre-LPF~RevPre DlyTm) on the “7.2
Reverb Parameters” page. The Macro therefore also
selects a “Character”. In many instances, editing only
the parameters on this page is enough.
The available options are:
Important note
Saving your changes
About the effects parameters
These Reverbs simulate the reverberation
of a room. They provide a well-defined
spacious reverberation.
Hall1, Hall2 These Reverbs simulate the reverberation
of a concert hall with a deeper reverbera-
tion than the Room Reverbs.
Plate This effect type simulates a plate Reverb
(a studio device using a metal plate to
simulate natural Reverb).
(e.g. Treble)