
Hardly any dynamic response, easy to maintain strong volume
levels. Ideal when using drum triggers.
p. 27
A trigger signal may differ slightly depending on the
characteristics of each pad or acoustic drum trigger (drum
pickup) being used. If identical hits produce sound at different
volumes, you can adjust the “SCAN TIME” so that your way of
playing can be detected more precisely. The higher the value
the longer it will take for the sound to be played.
fig.scan time1.e
fig.scan time2.e
p. 27
This is important if you are using acoustic drum triggers which
can produce altered waveforms that may also cause inadvertent
sounding at Point A in the following figure.
Retrigger Cancel detects such distortion in and prevents
retriggering from occurring.
Setting this to a high value prevents retriggering, but may also
cause sounds to be omitted during fast playing (roll etc.). Set
this to the lowest value possible while still ensuring that there is
no retriggering.
You can also eliminate this problem of retriggering
with the Mask Time setting.
p. 27
Once a pad has been hit, any additional trigger signals
received within the specified “Mask Time” (0-64 msec) will be
fig.mask time.e
p. 27
An example of crosstalk is If two pads are mounted on the same
stand, or nearby, and hitting one pad causes the other pad to
sound. To eliminate this, adjust Crosstalk Cancel on the pad
that is sounding inadvertently.
p. 27
Control the sensitivity of the rim. As the value increases, the rim
is more likely to produce a sound. When it is set to OFF, the
instrument of the head is reproduced at a rim shot. Note that if
the value is too large, the instrument of the rim will be produced
when you strike the head.
p. 27
Control the sensitivity of the rim. Configure this parameter to
change the sensitivity of the rim alone with that of the head left


Scan Time Retrig Cancel (Retrigger Cancel)
Volume Volume
Striking Force
Scan Time
Mask TimeXTalk Cancel(Crosstalk Cancel) Rim Sens (Rim Sensitivity)Rim Gain
Mask Time
Sound not produced
HPD-10_e1.book 39ページ 2006年4月7日 金曜日 午後2時14分