Making Detailed Settings for Tones
You can make more detailed settings to the tones assigned to each of the layer.
In certain selected Tones, there may be parameters that cannot be changed.
1. In the Live Set screen, press the [TONE EDIT] button.
The [TONE EDIT] button lit, and the TONE EDIT screen appears.
2. Press the Cursor [ ] [ ] buttons to switch screens, and press the Cursor [ ] [ ] buttons
to move the cursor to the parameter to be set.
Move the cursor to one of the following menus and press the [ENTER] button, then select the parameter you
want to set in the screen that follows.
Micro Tune Edit “Finely Adjusting the Tuning” (p. 48)
Sym.Resonance Adjusting Resonance when the Damper Pedal is Depressed” (p. 48)
3. Use the [DEC] [INC] buttons or the VALUE dial to edit the value.
4. When you nish making settings, press the [TONE EDIT] button, extinguishing its indicator.
You are returned to the Live Set screen.
If you’ve selected a Piano tone, a tone wheel organ tone or a SuperNatural E. Piano tone, some items will not be available for editing. The value is
shown as “- - -” for such items.

Tone parameter list

Parameter Value Description
LOWER1, LOWER2 Choose the Layer for which you want to make settings.
Tone When the layer to be set is selected, the name of the assigned tone appears.
You can select tone using the LIVE SET buttons.
Sound Focus
Piano Type1
Limits the volume change produced by variations in your playing touch, and also reduces the sense of stereo, allowing your
sound to be more prominent in the band’s overall mix.
This parameter is eective only with respect to SuperNATURAL Piano.
Piano Type2 Reduces the sense of stereo.
This parameter is eective only with respect to SuperNATURAL Piano.
E. Piano Type Changes the sound from soft to strikingly unique.
This parameter is eective only with respect to certain SuperNATURAL E. Piano tones.
Sound Lift Limits the volume change produced by variations in your playing touch.
Enhancer Controls the harmonic content of the upper range, making your sound more prominent.
* This setting has no eect with respect to SuperNATURAL Piano tones.
Mid Boost Boosts the mid-range frequencies.
* This setting has no eect with respect to SuperNATURAL Piano tones.
Sound Focus Sw OFF, ON Turns Sound Focus on/o. Press the SOUND FOCUS [ON/OFF] button to change this setting.
With some Tones, the eect does not work as intended.
Sound Focus
Value 0–127 Adjusts the depth of the eect. Turn the SOUND FOCUS [DEPTH] knob to change this setting.
With some Tones, the eect does not work as intended.
You can make settings for the multi-eect applied to a tone.
The multi-eects are general-purpose eects that modify the sound itself, and are able to completely transform the
character of the sound. There are 84 types of eects, and you can choose the type that’s suitable for your purposes.
Some types consist of a single eect such as distortion or anger, and other types combine eects in series or in parallel.
Reverb and chorus are also provided as multi-eect types, and these are handled independently from the Reverb (p. 74) and
Chorus (p. 75) eects described later.
The RD-700NX lets you apply two multi-eects to the tones. The two multi-eects are connected in series.
Coarse Tune -48–+48 (+/- 4
This sets the pitch of the tone.
Sets the sound’s pitch in semitone units.
Fine Tune -50–+50 (+/- 50
This sets the pitch of the tone.
Sets the sound’s pitch in units of one cent.

Making Tone Settings