Parameter Range Explanation
CUTOFF Modify the cuto frequency of the lter. (p. 33)
RESONANCE Modify the amount of emphasis for the overtones in the region of the cuto frequency (p. 34).
KEY FOLLOW Modify the extent to which the cuto frequency is aected by the keyboard position (p. 34).
ENV-A Modify the attack time of the lter envelope (p. 35).
ENV-D Modify the decay time of the lter envelope (p. 35).
ENV-S Modify the sustain level of the lter envelope (p. 35).
ENV-R Modify the release time of the lter envelope (p. 35).
ENV-DEPTH Modify the amount by which the cuto frequency is controlled by the lter envelope (p. 35).
LEVEL Modify the volume (p. 35).
ENV-A Modify the attack time of the amp envelope (p. 35).
ENV-D Modify the decay time of the amp envelope (p. 36).
ENV-S Modify the sustain level of the amp envelope (p. 36).
ENV-R Modify the release time of the amp envelope (p. 36).
EFFECTS CONTROL 1 Perform the same operation as the panel [CONTROL 1] knob (p. 38).
LEVEL Perform the same operation as the panel [LEVEL] knob (p. 38).
PORTAMENTO-TIME Modify the portamento time (p. 20).
BENDER Apply the pitch bend eect. (p. 19).
MODULATION Apply modulation (p. 19).
Determine the polarity of the D BEAM (p. 21).
When setting the D BEAM ASSIGN parameter, move the knob or slider to specify the direction in which
value changes are to take place.
Eect ParametersParameter Range Explanation Explanation Panel operation
Drive 0–127 Adjusts the depth of distortion. Turn the [CONTROL 1] knob.
Type 1–6 Selects the type of distortion. Hold down the [CANCEL/SHIFT] button and turn the [CONTROL
1] knob.
Presence 0–127 Adjusts the tone for the ultra high
frequency range.
Hold down the [CANCEL/SHIFT] button and turn the [LEVEL]
Level 0–127 Adjusts the volume. Turn the [LEVEL] knob.
Drive 0–127 Adjusts the depth of distortion. Turn the [CONTROL 1] knob.
Type 1–6 Selects the type of distortion. Hold down the [CANCEL/SHIFT] button and turn the [CONTROL
1] knob.
Presence 0–127 Adjusts the tone for the ultra high
frequency range.
Hold down the [CANCEL/SHIFT] button and turn the [LEVEL]
Level 0–127 Adjusts the volume. Turn the [LEVEL] knob.
Sample Rate 0–127 Adjusts the sample rate. Turn the [CONTROL 1] knob.
Bit Down 0–127 Adjusts the bit depth. Hold down the [CANCEL/SHIFT] button and turn the [CONTROL
1] knob.
Filter 0–127 Adjusts the lter depth. Hold down the [CANCEL/SHIFT] button and turn the [LEVEL]
Level 0–127 Adjusts the volume. Turn the [LEVEL] knob.
Feedback 0–127 Adjusts the proportion of eect
sound that is returned to the input. Turn the [CONTROL 1] knob.
Depth 0–127 Adjusts the depth of modulation. Hold down the [CANCEL/SHIFT] button and turn the [CONTROL
1] knob.
Rate 0–127 Adjusts the speed of modulation. Hold down the [CANCEL/SHIFT] button and turn the [LEVEL]
Level 0–127 Adjusts the volume. Turn the [LEVEL] knob.
Resonance 0–127 Determines the amount of
resonance. Turn the [CONTROL 1] knob.
Depth 0–127 Adjusts the depth of modulation. Hold down the [CANCEL/SHIFT] button and turn the [CONTROL
1] knob.
Rate 0–127 Adjusts the speed of modulation. Hold down the [CANCEL/SHIFT] button and turn the [LEVEL]
Level 0–127 Adjusts the volume. Turn the [LEVEL] knob.