Editing a Tone (Pro Edit)

Com MOD COSM1/2 TVAOSC1/2 AP Syn Effects

The V-Synth GT contains three high-quality effects: Tone-FX (tone effect), Chorus, and Reverb. The tone effect can be

applied to individual tones, and the amount of signal sent to chorus and reverb can be specified for each tone.

The effect blocks are displayed as small rack units. By turning each effect on/off you can freely specify the connecting

path (signal flow).


Tone-FX (Tone Effect)


Parameter Value Description
TVA Tone-FX Send
(TVA Tone-FX Send Level)

0–127 Sets the level of the signal sent to Tone-FX.

(TVA Chorus Send Level)

0–127 Sets the level of the signal sent to chorus.

(TVA Reverb Send Level)

0–127 Sets the level of the signal sent to reverb.

TVA Output Assign

T-FX Outputs the direct sound in stereo through Tone-FX. You can also apply cho-
rus or reverb to the sound that passes through Tone-FX.
MAIN Outputs the direct sound to the MAIN OUT jacks in stereo without passing
through Tone-FX.
DIR Outputs the direct sound to the DIRECT OUT jacks in stereo without passing
through Tone-FX. Make this setting when you want to use external effects.

AP Syn Tone-FX Send
(AP Syn Tone-FX Send Level)

0–127 Sets the level of the signal sent to Tone-FX.

AP Syn CHO Send
(AP Syn Chorus Send Level)

0–127 Sets the level of the signal sent to chorus.

AP Syn REV Send
(AP Syn Reverb Send Level)

0–127 Sets the level of the signal sent to reverb.

AP Syn Output Assign

T-FX Outputs the direct sound in stereo through Tone-FX. You can also apply cho-
rus or reverb to the sound that passes through Tone-FX.
MAIN Outputs the direct sound to the MAIN OUT jacks in stereo without passing
through Tone-FX.
DIR Outputs the direct sound to the DIRECT OUT jacks in stereo without passing
through Tone-FX. Make this setting when you want to use external effects.
Tone-FX On/Off Switch
Tone-FX Reverb Send Level
Tone-FX Master Level
Tone-FX Type
Tone-FX Chorus Send Level
V-Synth-GT_e.book 139 ページ 2007年4月9日 月曜日 午後1時46分