Always remember:
Battery water and water containing additives (such as starch, perfume or fabric conditioner) may not be used. Such additives can affect the properties of the steam and, at high temperatures, can form deposits in the steam chamber, which will mark the laundry when they are emitted through the steam vents. Descaling liquids/agents should not be used.
| |
Issues | Possible causes | Solutions |
Water runs | Boiler is too full. | Do not fill the boiler |
through the |
| with more than 33oz |
holes in the |
| water. |
soleplate. | Thermostat isn't | Send appliance to an |
| ||
| working. | authorized service |
| center. |
| The iron was used | Wait for the tempe- |
| before it had reached | rature/steam control |
| temperatures. | lights to go out |
| before ironing. |
| Water has condensed | Press the steam |
| in the steam tube as | control button away |
| iron hasn't been used | from your clothes |
| for some time. | until iron produces |
| steam. |
| DG 580 | DG 580 |
| Steam output control | Decrease steam out- |
| dial is set too high | put while ironing at |
| for the temperature | low temperature (●). |
| set on the iron. |
White streaks | The boiler has a build- | Rinse the boiler after |
come through up of scale and needs | every 10 uses (see | |
the holes in | to be rinsed out | Cleaning and Main- |
the soleplate. | regularly. | tenance section). |
Brown streaks | Chemical descaling | Never use descaling |
come through agents or additives | agents or additives. | |
the holes in | have been used. | Rinse boiler |
the soleplate. |
| thoroughly. |
| Tap water is high in | Switch to bottled |
| organic matter such | spring water or rinse |
| as rust or iron. | boiler more often. |
The soleplate | Ironing at too high a | Refer to the Steam |
has | temperature. | Ironing section of the |
| instructions for |
| temperature |
| recommendations. |
| Spray starch | Spray starch on the |
| reverse side of the | |
| garment. |
There is little | The boiler is empty. |
or no steam. | The boiler is not |
| ready. |
Fill the boiler. Wait for the steam indicator light to go out before using steam.
Steam escapes Cap screwed on | Unscrew cap when | |
from the | incorrectly. | unit is cold and put |
boiler cap. |
| back on. |
| The seal on the cap | Check cap regularly |
| is worn. | for signs of wear and |
| tear to red rubber |
ring. Replace if wear is noticed.
If troubleshooting does not assist, before consulting the retailer regarding their return/exchange policy, please telephone consumer service at