Microphone Gain
This screen displays the setting of the microphone gain of the
beltpack. There are 16 possible settings. The number 0 indi-
cates no microphone gain, the number 15 is maximum gain.
Each step is about 3 dB of audio.
Adjusting the Microphone Gain
1. Push <SET> at the microphone gain screen. The num-
ber will begin flashing.
2. Select the desired gain with the <UP>/<DOWN>
arrow buttons.
3. Push <SET> to place the unit at the indicated micro-
phone gain.
Transmit Power
The transmit power screen displays the current setting of the
beltpack transmitter’s output power level.
Transmit Power Settings
When the unit is set to auto the the beltpack will set it’s
power setting according to information being sent from
the base station. The base station information will tell the
beltpack the appropriate power setting to use based upon
received signal strength level at the base station from the
beltpack. By reducing the transmit power when possible,
the battery life of the beltpack can be slightly extended.
Also intermodulation products can be reduced.
Changing the Transmit Power Setting
1. Push <SET> at the transmit power screen. The power
setting will begin flashing.
2.Select the power setting with the <UP>/<DOWN>
arrow buttons.
3. Push <SET> to place the unit at the indicated setting.
Dark Operation
This option allows the user to turn off all LEDs and backlight
LCD CWW for dark operation. The intent of this operation
mode is for theater and other similar environments where the
LED’s light may distract from the performance when being
used in the backgrournd, such as lower catwalks above the
stage. If the CCW LCD is backlit when dark operation is acti-
vated it will remain lit until it times out or is turned off by a
<COPY> then <LISTEN4>. It will then no longer activate.
LED On/Off operation
1. Push <SET> at the LED On/Off screen. The setting
will begin flashing.
2. Select the desired setting with the <UP>/<DOWN>
arrow buttons.
3. Press <SET> to place the unit on the indicated setting.
Encryption Code
The encryption code screen allows the setting of four hexa-
decimal digits. Any combination of letters and/or numbers
may be selected. The beltpack’s code must match the base sta-
tion’s code for audio recovery. This code along with the seri-
al number encryption code discussed on the next page, means
there is over 4 billion possible code combinations.
Changing the Encryption Code
1. Push <SET> at the encryption code screen. The first
code location will begin flashing.
2. Select the desired number / letter with the <UP>/
<DOWN> arrow buttons.
3. Push <SET> to set the code. Now the next code loca-
tion will begin flashing.
4. Set the next three code locations in the same manner.
The beltpack’s transmitter adjusts it’s output level
according to information sent to the beltpack from the
base station. NOTE: A decimal point in the display indi-
cates the transmitter is at high power, no dot means the
unit is at low transmit power.
The beltpack is transmitting at full power, nominal 50
mW, constant.
The transmitter is at low power, nominal 5 mW,
Figure 7-7
Microphone Gain Screen and Transmit Power Screen