8000013, July 2006 MM2211 Wireless Broadband Gateway User’s Guide 27
Configuring the MM2211 Gateway
5. Click the Update button to save your settings.
6. Click Reboot to reboot the device so configuration changes can take effect.
CAUTION:—You must click the Update button to save any configuration changes. The Ruckus
WirelessWeb Interface will timeout after 5 minutes of inactivity. If you let the system time out before clicking
the Update button, any changes you made will be lost.
CAUTION:—If, after having changed any default settings, you have forgotten what the new settings are, you
may not be able to login to the MM2211 Gateway. To regain access to the MM2211 Gateway, you must reset
the device to its factory default settings. Hold the button down for more than 8 seconds, then release. The Air
Quality indicator will go off and then back on.
Customizing the System ConfigurationIt is recommended that you customize the username and password so that you can control who can gain
administrative access to the MM2211 Gateway. We recommend that you do not change the IP address (LAN)
of the MM2211 Gateway. The MM2211 Gateway has DHCP enabled by default, and provides network
address translation and security functionality to your home PC. Refer to Table 7 for details on each field.
Table 7—System Configuration—Route Mode
Field Description
WAN Interface The selection criteria for WAN interface determine how the Metro Wireless Access
Gateway receives its IP address assignment on the WAN interface. Selecting Obtain
an IP address automatically will allow the Wireless Access Gateway to get a
dynamically assigned IP address from the Metro Mesh node (or the DHCP server
behind the Metro Mesh node). Use the following IP address selection to statically
configure an IP address to the Wireless Access Gateway.
IP Address/Subnet
Mask The IP Address is the internal IP address of the device. You must configure the IP
Address and Subnet Mask for managing this device. The default setting of the IP
Address and Subnet Mask is as follows:
Bridge Mode:
Route Mode:
Default Gateway This is the IP address of the default gateway. This is normally provided by your ISP
(Internet Service Provider).