38 MM2211 Wireless Broadband Gateway User’s Guide 8000013, July 2006
Viewing System Information
7. Click the Update button to save your settings.
Viewing System Information The Information Screens provide information about the MM2211 Gateway settings.
System Information
The System Information screen is the first screen to appear once you login to the MM2211 Gateway. Figure
13 shows the System Information window.
Table 12—Phase 2 Choices
Field Description
PAP Password Authentication Protocol. One user sends the other a user name and
password for authentication.
CHAP Challenge Handshake Authentication Protocol. One user sends the other a random
number or challenge. The second hashes his copy and sends it to back to the first. The
first user hashes its copy of the second users response. If the hashes match, the
password is correct.
MSCHAP Microsoft Challenge Handshake Authentication Protocol.
MSCHAP/2 An updated version of MSCHAP.