Saturday & Sunday 10am until 4pm
Customer Service Department
Picktree Court
Picktree Lane
Co Durham
Revision 1
This s ymb ol is k now n a s the ' Cr os sed -o ut whe eli e bi n Sy mbo l'. W hen th is
symbol is marked on a product/batteries, it means that the product/batteries
should not be di sposed of with your gener al household waste. Only di scard
electrical/electronic/battery items in separate collection schemes, which cater
for the recovery and recycling of materials contained within. Your co-operation
is vital to make sure the success of these schemes and for the protection of the
environment. For your nearest disposal facility, visit www.recycle- more. co.u k
or ask in store for details.
W e reserve the right due to possible changes to design to alter the instruction
manual without prior notice.