Thank You for Purchasing a SABO Product
We appreciate having you as a customer and wish you many years of safe and satisfied use of your machine.
Using Your Operator’s Manual
This manual is an important part of your machine and should remain with the machine when you sell it.
Reading your operator’s manual will help you and others avoid personal injury or damage to the machine. Information given in this manual will provide the operator with the safest and most effective use of the machine. Knowing how to operate this machine safely and correctly will allow you to train others who may operate this machine.
If you have an attachment, use the safety and operating information in the attachment operator’s manual along with the machine operator’s manual to operate the attachment safely and correctly.
Sections in your operator’s manual are placed in a specific order to help you understand all the safety messages and learn the controls so you can operate this machine safely. You can also use this manual to answer any specific operating or servicing questions. A convenient index located at the end of this book will help you to find needed information quickly.
The machine shown in this manual may differ slightly from your machine, but will be similar enough to help you understand our instructions.
item referred to is hidden from view.
Machine Use
This machine is designed solely for use in customary lawn mowing operations, for park and amenity area maintenance and for winter work. Use in any other way is considered as contrary to the intended use.
The manufacturer accepts no liability for damage or injury resulting from this misuse, and these risks must be borne solely by the user. Compliance with and strict adherence to the conditions of operation, service and repair as specified by the manufacturer also constitute essential elements for the intended use.
This machine should be operated, serviced and repaired only by persons familiar with all its particular characteristics and acquainted with the relevant safety rules (accident prevention). The accident prevention regulations, all other generally recognized regulations on safety and
occupational medicine and the road traffic regulations must be observed at all times.
Setting fuel delivery beyond published factory specifications or otherwise overpowering will result in loss of warranty protection for this machine.
Any arbitrary modifications carried out on this machine will relieve the manufacturer of all liability for any resulting damage or injury.
Special Messages
Your manual contains special messages to bring attention to potential safety concerns, machine damage as well as helpful operating and servicing information. Please read all the information carefully to avoid injury and machine damage.
cCAUTION: Avoid injury! This symbol and text highlight potential hazards or death to the operator or bystanders that may occur if the hazards or procedures are ignored.
IMPORTANT: Avoid damage! This text is used to tell the operator of actions or conditions that might result in damage to the machine.
NOTE: General information is given throughout the manual that may help the operator in the operation or service of the machine.