nc Si
Sync (Synchronized) Signals refer to the standard signals that are required to display desired c olors on
the monitor. They are divided into Vertical and Horizontal Sync Signals. These signals d isplay normal
color images by the set resolution and frequency.
Types of Sync Signals
Separate This is a scheme of transmitting individual vertical and horizontal sync signa ls to
the monitor.
Composite This is a scheme of combining vertical and horizontal sync signals into one
composite signal and transmitting it to the monitor. The monitor displays the
color signals by separating the composite signal into original color signals.
Dot Pitch
The image on a monitor is composed of red, green and blue dots. The closer the dots, the hig her the
resolution. The distance between two dots of the same color is called the 'Dot Pitch'. Uni t: mm
Vertical Frequency
The screen must be redrawn several times per second in order to create and display an image f or the
user. The frequency of this repetition per second is called Vertical Frequency or Refresh R ate. Unit: Hz
Example: If the same light repeats itself 60 ti mes per second, this is regarded as 60 Hz.
Horizontal Frequency
The time to scan one line connecting the right edge to the left edge of the screen ho rizontally is called
Horizontal Cycle. The inverse number of the Horizontal Cycle is called Horizontal Fre quency. Unit: kHz
Interlace and Non-Interlace Methods
Showing the horizontal lines of the screen from the top to the bottom in order is called the Non -
Interlace method while showing odd lines and then even lines in turn is calle d the Interlace method.
The Non-Interlace method is used for the majority of monitors to ensure a clear image. The Interla ce
method is the same as that used in TVs.
Plug & Play
This is a function that provides the best quality screen for the user by allowing the com puter and the
monitor to exchange information automatically. This monitor follows the international standard VESA
DDC for the Plug & Play function.
The number of horizontal and vertical dots used to compose the screen image is calle d 'resolution'.
This number shows the accuracy of the display. High resolution is good fo r performing multiple tasks as
more image information can be shown on the screen.
Example: If the resolution is 1920 x 120 0 , this means the screen is composed of 1920 horizontal
dots (horizontal resolution) and 1200 vertical lines (vertical resolution).
This system uses two carriers to transmit voice data. Countries such as South Korea and Germany use
this system.
Broadcast Television System Committee
The stereo broadcasting system that is used in most of the countries that have adopted the N TSC
system, including the United States, Canada, Chile, Venezuela and Taiwan. It also refe rs to the
organization that has been organized to promote its development and management.
Electronic Industries Association of Japan.
RF Cable
round signal cable generally used for TV antennas.