MP(n) Series Displays
320MP, 400MP, 400MPn, 460MP, 460MPn
For demanding commercial applications requiring greater flexibility,
enhanced display manageme nt and improved screen per formance.
Indoor Enterta inment Venue s: Indoor stad iums, auditorium s, digital movie t heaters, civic
centers, convention cen ters, museums, par ks, hotel lobbies, bars, casinos, c lubs
Education: Cla ssroom applicati ons at universit ies, colleges a nd other schools
Rental & Stagin g: Rental and transportable displays for stag ing, concerts, t rade shows and
other events
MX(n) Series Displays320MX, 320MXn, 400MX, 400 MXn, 460MX, 460MXn
A cost-effective, best-in-class solu tion with flexible per formance that’s
well-suited to display any type of information.
Education: Cla ssroom applicati ons at universit ies, colleges a nd other schools
Conference Rooms : Conference and training room s
FX(n) Series Displays400FX, 400FXn
A cost-effective, best-in-class solu tion with slim connectivi ty and 1080p
full HD support.
Education: Cla ssroom applicati ons at universit ies, colleges a nd other schools
Conference Rooms : Conference and training room s
FP(n) Series Displays400FP, 400FPn
For demanding commercial applications requiring greater flexibility,
enhanced display manageme nt and improved screen per formance with
1080p full HD support.
Indoor Enterta inment Venue s: Indoor stad iums, auditorium s, digital movie t heaters, civic
centers, convention cen ters, museums, par ks, hotel lobbies, bars, casinos, c lubs
Education: Cla ssroom applicati ons at universit ies, colleges a nd other schools
Rental & Stagin g: Rental and transportable displays for stag ing, concerts, t rade shows
and other events
Set Back BoxesSBB-NT, SBB-DT
SBB-NT adds networkabilit y to MX, MP, CX, FX, FP and 520DX ser ies
displays, while SBB-DT adds HDT V tuner capability to MXn, MPn, FXn,
FPn and 520DXn series displays.