Think how much more product you could sell if you could personally deliver your sales message at ever y
vending machine location. Samsung vending solution touch screen displays make it possible.
Samsung DID PanelSamsung vending machine displays incorporate our proprietary DID
panels. Featuring innovative cooling technologies, these advanced
displays offer you the advantage of longer hours of operation.
Built-in SpeakersMessages should be see n, as well as heard. Built-in s peakers add
another level of appeal to your sales messages, and another way
to attract attention.
Increased PossibilitiesWith Samsung vending machin e displays, you have an
opportunity to deliver a sales message. With a n incorporated
sales message, you can d emonstrate more advanced products,
and sell higher-margin products l ike MP3 players, cell phones and
digital cameras. Advertis ing messages selling thi rd-party products
and services can al so be incorporated, resulting in an additional
revenue stream.
Touch Screen FunctionalityYour message can be interactive. Sam sung vending machine
displays incorporate touch scree n functionality, inviting immed iate
customer response to your mess age.
Double ClickWheelDrag & Click
Double-ClickWheel Drag & Click
46" DID Display (Touch Screen)
Cash and Card
Soft and Hard Buttons
Vandalism Protection
- Protection Glass
- Shock Alarm
Video Contents Processor
Storage (250GB HDD)
Type Item Supply
Basic Kit Assembly
Main and Network Board
Mechanical Kit
Touch Screen
Protection Glass
Speaker, Camera, HDD, Bluetooth, Wi-Fi, Shock Sensor
Samsung Media Platform
Basic Kit AssemblySpeaker, Camera, HDD, Bluetooth, Wi-Fi, Shock Sensor I/F
Vending Machine I/F
UVending Kit Package