When adding an account, select from among three account types, and the selected account
type decides the scope of using MagicNet. You may modify or delete the accounts of existing
users as well as adding new users.
Account Type Scope
Administrator You have the authority to use all functions of MagicNet.
Power User You are not authorized to use the Options menu and the Update function from
among the MagicNet functions.
You are not authorized to use the right mouse button click in the Library
Registration, Options menu, MDC and Monitor List from among the MagicNet
3. File Manager
File manager copies or deletes files.
Copying files can be done either from Server Folder Server Folder, Server Monitor,
Monitor Monitor. A copy from a monitor to another is available only on the same monitor (i.e.
different hard drives o nthe same monitor). In the Select Monitor list, only My Computer of the
server and the monitor that is correctly connected to the server will appear.
Copy Delete
When selecting Options File Manager,
the File Management window appears. You
can select a server/monitor from the select
list. When selecting a monitor from the left
window, you are only allowed to select the
same monitor. After selecting the copy
target, press the copy button. Copying the
file will proceed. If the copy target is not a
Photo/Music/Movie/Office file, an error
message will appear, and copying will stop.
In addition, when the file size exceeds the
remaining capacity of the target drive,
copying will also stop.
Select the file to be deleted using the
same procedure as for copying a file, and
click the delete button. The file will be
completely deleted from the drive. (The
list will be updated promptly.)
However, if you try to delete a file that is
currently running, the error message
"Unable to Delete" will appear.
4. Network Device
You can select a network device connected to the monitor. This is useful, especially if there are
multiple devices running on the PC.
5. Monitor Update
You can update multiple monitors at the same time. This is useful when needing to update
multiple monitors at the same time.
When selecting a file to update and the update utility file (NK.bin) and clicking Update, the
update process is done in two steps. Download (stores the update file on the monitor)
Update (installs MagicNet).
When done, the monitor restarts automatically.
If an error (wrong file) is detected during this process, a warning message appears and the
update process stops.
When the download is completed, make sure to keep the monitor turned on during the update.
And, if the output source is a PC, make sure the monitor-off function, if any, of the PC is not
Otherwise MagicNet may not operate properly. If the monitor turns off during the update
process, contact our customer service.
zMonitor Update
6. Monitor Model