Samsung AQV09PSBX, AQV12PWAX Provjerite sljedeće, Pritisnite tipku Power i provjerite sljedeće


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Konačna provjera i probni rad

Postupak ugradnje kompletirajte obavljanjem sljedećih provjera i ispitivanja kako biste osigurali ispravan rad klima uređaja.

Provjerite sljedeće:

Nosivost mjesta ugradnje

Pritegnutost cijevnih spojeva kako biste otkrili curenje plina

Vodove el. instalacije

Toplinsku izolaciju cijevi


Vod uzemljenja

Ispravan rad (prema sljedećim koracima)

1. Pritisnite tipku Power i provjerite sljedeće:


Indikator na unutarnjoj jedinici svijetli.

Oštrica protoka zraka se otvara i ventilator se ubrzava za rad.

2.Pritisnite tipku Mode (način rada) kako biste odabrali način rada Cool (Hlađenje) ili Heat (Grijanje).

U načinu rada hlađenja, koristite tipku Temp + ili i podesite temperaturu na 16°C.

U načinu rada grijanja, koristite tipku Temp + ili i podesite temperaturu na 30°C.

• Otprilike 3~5 minuta kasnije, vanjska jedinica će početi sa radom i puhat će hladan ili topao zrak. NAPOMENA • Nakon 12 minuta statičnog rada provjerite tretiranje zraka unutarnje jedinice.

Način rada hlađenja (provjera unutarnje jedinice) Temperatura ulaznog zraka - Temperatura izlaznog zraka: Od 10°K do 12°K ( indikativ delta T)

Način rada grijanja (provjera unutarnje jedinice) Temperatura izlaznog zraka - Temperatura ulaznog zraka: Od 11°K do 14°K ( indikativ delta T)

U načinu rada grijanja, unutarnji motor ventilatora može ostati isključen kako bi se izbjeglo da hladan zrak puše u klimatizirani prostor.

3.Pritisnite tipku Air Swing (izmjena zraka) i provjerite sljedeće:

Rade li oštrice protoka zraka ispravno.

4.Pritisnite tipku Power(isklj./uklj.) kako biste zaustavili rad.

• Kada uspješno dovršite ugradnju, predajte ovaj priručnik korisniku kako bi ga mogao čuvati na lako dostupnom i NAPOMENA sigurnom mjestu.

Postupak zaustavljanja (prilikom uklanjanja proizvoda)

1.Uključite klima uređaj i odaberite način rada hlađenja kako bi kompresor radio 3 minute.

2. Otpustite kapice ventila na strani visokog i niskog pritiska.

3. Koristite L ključ kako biste zatvoriti ventil na strani visokog pritiska.

4. Otprilike 2 minute nakon toga, zatvorite ventil na strani niskog pritiska.

5. Zaustavite rad klima uređaja.

6. Odspojite cijevi.


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Samsung AQV09PSBX, AQV12PWAX, AQV12PSBX, AQV12PWAN manual Provjerite sljedeće, Pritisnite tipku Power i provjerite sljedeće


Samsung’s HVAC solutions have set a benchmark in the air conditioning industry, with models such as the AQV18PMBX, AQV09PSBX, AQV09PMEX, AQV24PMBN, and AQV18PMBN gaining attention for their efficiency and innovation. These units are designed to meet the demanding requirements of both residential and commercial spaces.

One of the standout features across these models is their energy-efficient design, which incorporates advanced inverter technology. This allows the units to adjust their power consumption across a wide range of levels, providing precise temperature control while minimizing energy usage. Thus, users can enjoy significant cost savings on their electricity bills without sacrificing comfort.

The AQV series is engineered with cutting-edge filtration systems that improve indoor air quality. The models feature multi-layered filters designed to capture dust, allergens, and other irritants, ensuring that the air circulated is clean and healthy. Additionally, some models include a specialized anti-bacterial coating that helps to inhibit the growth of harmful microorganisms.

Smart technology integration is another hallmark of these Samsung HVAC units. Many models in the AQV series are compatible with the Samsung SmartThings app, allowing users to control their air conditioning remotely using their smartphones. This feature not only enhances convenience but also means that users can adjust settings according to their schedules, further optimizing energy consumption.

The models also showcase a sleek and modern design, making them suitable for any interior decor. Their compact size allows for easy installation, and they can easily blend into various room environments, enhancing aesthetic appeal while providing powerful cooling and heating performance.

Noise reduction is a key attribute of the AQV models. Operating at low decibel levels, these units provide a comfortable environment without disruptive sounds, making them ideal for homes and offices where noise can be a concern.

Overall, the Samsung AQV18PMBX, AQV09PSBX, AQV09PMEX, AQV24PMBN, and AQV18PMBN offer a combination of energy efficiency, advanced filtration, smart technology, elegant design, and quiet operation, making them ideal choices for consumers looking for reliable and stylish air conditioning solutions. With a commitment to innovation and user satisfaction, Samsung continues to lead the way in air conditioning technology.