Samsung AR18MSWSAWKNEU manual Čišćenje i održavanje


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Ispravno odlaganje proizvoda (Električni i elektronički otpad)

(Primjenjivo Primjenjuje se u zemljama s posebnim sustavima za prikupljanje otpada)

Ova oznaka na proizvodu, dodatnoj opremi ili u literaturi ukazuje na to da se proizvod i njegova elektronička oprema (npr., punjač, slušalice, USB kabel) ne bi trebali odlagati s ostalim kućanskim otpadom na kraju radnog vijeka. Da biste spriječili moguću štetu za okoliš ili ljudsko zdravlje nekontroliranim odlaganjem otpada, odvojite ovaj predmet od ostalih vrsta otpada i odgovorno reciklirajte kako biste promicali održivu ponovnu upotrebu materijalnih resursa.

Korisnici u kućanstvima trebali bi kontaktirati prodavača kod kojega su kupili proizvod ili ured lokalne vlasti za pojedinosti o tome gdje i kako se ovaj predmet može odnijeti kako bi recikliranje bilo sigurno za okoliš.

Korisnici u tvrtkama trebaju kontaktirati dobavljača i provjeriti uvjete i odredbe kupovnog ugovora. Ovaj proizvod i njegova elektronička oprema ne smije se miješati s drugim komercijalnim otpadom.

Ispravno odlaganje baterija koje se koriste sa proizvodom

(Primjenjivo Primjenjuje se u zemljama s posebnim sustavima za prikupljanje otpada)

Ova oznaka, prikazana na proizvodu, pratećoj literaturi ili pakiranju, pokazuje da na kraju radnog vijeka, baterije korištene sa ovim proizvodom ne treba odlagati zajedno sa ostalim otpadom iz kućanstva. Tamo gdje su

dani, kemijski simboli Hg, Cd ili Pb označavaju da baterija sadrži živu, kadmij ili olovo iznad praga vrijednosti dopuštenih direktivom EU 2006/66. Ako baterije nisu odgovarajuće odložene, ove materije mogu štetno djelovati na ljudsko zdravlje ili okoliš.

Kako biste zaštitili prirodne resurse i promovirali ponovnu uporabu materijala, molimo odvojite baterije od ostalog otpada i reciklirajte ih putem lokalnog sustava za odlaganje baterija.

Informacije o obvezama tvrtke Samsung u pogledu okoliša i regulatornih obveza specifičnih za proizvod npr. REACH, posjetite stranicu: html

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Samsung AR18MSWSAWKNEU manual Čišćenje i održavanje

AR18MSWSAWKNEU specifications

Samsung offers a range of air conditioning units that combine advanced technologies with energy efficiency and smart features. Among the popular models are the AR24MSWNAWKNEU, AR18MSWSAWKNEU, AR18MSPDBWKNEU, AR24MSWSAWKNEU, and AR24MSPDBWKNEU. Each unit is designed to cater to different cooling requirements while ensuring optimal performance and comfort.

The AR24MSWNAWKNEU is notable for its robust cooling capacity of 24,000 BTU, making it ideal for larger rooms. It features Samsung's Fast Cooling technology, which rapidly lowers room temperature on hot days. The unit is also equipped with a Digital Inverter, enabling energy-efficient operation that adjusts the compressor speed based on cooling demand. This results in substantial energy savings and reduced electricity bills.

Moving to the AR18MSWSAWKNEU, this model is designed for medium-sized rooms, boasting an 18,000 BTU capacity. Like its larger counterpart, it incorporates the Digital Inverter technology, which contributes to quieter operation and long-lasting performance. Additionally, the unit features an Anti-Corrosion coating on the outdoor unit, ensuring durability in various environmental conditions.

The AR18MSPDBWKNEU is a versatile option with a blend of cooling and heating capabilities, making it suitable for year-round comfort. With a similar 18,000 BTU capacity, it stands out with its use of Samsung's Wind-Free Cooling technology, which disperses air through millions of micro-holes without causing discomfort from direct airflow. This allows for an even temperature distribution while maintaining a serene environment.

For those seeking enhanced energy efficiency, the AR24MSWSAWKNEU offers superior performance for larger spaces. This model also utilizes cutting-edge inverter technology and features an Energy Efficiency Ratio that places it among the top performers in the market. The sleek design and user-friendly controls make it a popular choice for modern homes.

Lastly, the AR24MSPDBWKNEU combines advanced cooling with heating functionality. The inclusion of a sophisticated air purification system helps improve indoor air quality by filtering pollutants and allergens, creating a healthier living space. The intuitive controls and smart features allow users to monitor and adjust settings remotely, making it convenient to maintain desired climate conditions.

In summary, Samsung's air conditioning models, including AR24MSWNAWKNEU, AR18MSWSAWKNEU, AR18MSPDBWKNEU, AR24MSWSAWKNEU, and AR24MSPDBWKNEU, showcase a commitment to innovative technologies, energy efficiency, and user comfort, making them excellent choices for a wide range of cooling needs.