ﺔﯾﻠﺧادﻟا ةدﺣوﻟا بﯾﻛرﺗ















(ﻊﯾﻣﺟﺗﻟا لﺑﻛ) تﻼﺑﺎﻛ لﯾﺻوﺗ 2.1 ةوطﺧﻟا
















ﺔﻗﺎطﻟا لﺑﻛ دﯾدﻣﺗ :يرﺎﯾﺗﺧا 2.2 ةوطﺧﻟا














ﮫﻠﯾﺻوﺗو فﯾرﺻﺗﻟا موطرﺧ بﯾﻛرﺗ 2.3 ةوطﺧﻟا














فﯾرﺻﺗﻟا موطرﺧ دﯾدﻣﺗ :يرﺎﯾﺗﺧا 2.4 ةوطﺧﻟا













فﯾرﺻﺗﻟا موطرﺧ هﺎﺟﺗا رﯾﯾﻐﺗ :يرﺎﯾﺗﺧا 2.5 ةوطﺧﻟا













(ﻊﯾﻣﺟﺗﻟا ةروﺳﺎﻣ) دﯾرﺑﺗﻟا رﯾﺳاوﻣﺑ ﺎﮭﻠﯾﺻوﺗو ﻊﯾﻣﺟﺗﻟا رﯾﺳاوﻣ بﯾﻛرﺗ 2.6 ةوطﺧﻟا













ﺎھدﯾدﻣﺗ وأ (ﻊﯾﻣﺟﺗﻟا ةروﺳﺎﻣ) درﺑﻣﻟا رﯾﺳاوﻣ رﯾﺻﻘﺗ 2.7 ةوطﺧﻟا

















بﯾﻛرﺗﻟا ﺔﺣوﻟ تﯾﺑﺛﺗ 2.8 ةوطﺧﻟا

















ﺔﯾﺟرﺎﺧﻟا ةدﺣوﻟا بﯾﻛرﺗ














ﺎﮭﻌﺿوﻣ ﻲﻓ ﺔﯾﺟرﺎﺧﻟا ةدﺣوﻟا تﯾﺑﺛﺗ 3.1 ةوطﺧﻟا














دﯾرﺑﺗﻟا رﯾﺳاوﻣو تﻼﺑﺎﻛﻟا لﯾﺻوﺗ 3.2 ةوطﺧﻟا


















ءاوﮭﻟا ﻎﯾرﻔﺗ 3.3 ةوطﺧﻟا


















درﺑﻣﻟا ﺔﻓﺎﺿإ 3.4



















بﯾﻛرﺗﻟا صﺣﻓ
















زﺎﻐﻟا برﺳﺗ تارﺎﺑﺗﺧا ذﯾﻔﻧﺗ 4.1
















ﻲﻛذﻟا بﯾﻛرﺗﻟا ﻊﺿوﻟا لﯾﻐﺷﺗ 4.2














ﻲﺑﯾرﺟﺗﻟا لﯾﻐﺷﺗﻟاو ﻲﺋﺎﮭﻧﻟا صﺣﻔﻟا ذﯾﻔﻧﺗ 4.3



مﯾﻠﺳ لﻛﺷﺑ ﺞﺗﻧﻣﻟا اذھ نﻣ صﻠﺧﺗﻟا

(ﺔﯾﻧورﺗﻛﻟﻹاو ﺔﯾﺋﺎﺑرﮭﻛﻟا ةزﮭﺟﻷا تﺎﻔﻠﺧﻣ)

(تﺎﻔﻠﺧﻣﻠﻟ ﺔﻠﺻﻔﻧﻣ ﻊﯾﻣﺟﺗ ﺔﻣظﻧأ ﺎﮭﺑ ﻲﺗﻟا لودﻟا ﻲﻓ قﺑطﯾُ)

(USB لﺑﻛو سأرﻟا ﺔﻋﺎﻣﺳو نﺣﺎﺷﻟا ؛لﺛﻣ) ﺔﯾﺋﺎﺑرﮭﻛﻟا ﮫﺗﺎﻘﺣﻠﻣو ﺞﺗﻧﻣﻟا نأ ﻰﻟإ رﯾﺷﺗ ﺔﺑوﺗﻛﻣﻟا داوﻣﻟا وأ تﺎﻘﺣﻠﻣﻟا وأ ﺞﺗﻧﻣﻟا ﻰﻠﻋ ةدوﺟوﻣﻟا ﺔﻣﻼﻌﻟا ﺔﺟﯾﺗﻧ ﺔﻠﻣﺗﺣﻣﻟا رارﺿﻸﻟ نﺎﺳﻧﻹا ﺔﺣﺻ وأ ﺔﺋﯾﺑﻟا ضرﻌﺗ ﻊﻧﻣﻟ .ﻲﺿارﺗﻓﻻا ﺎھرﻣﻋ ءﺎﮭﺗﻧا دﻧﻋ ىرﺧﻷا ﺔﯾﻟزﻧﻣﻟا تﺎﻔﻠﺧﻣﻟا ﻊﻣ ﺎﮭﻧﻣ صﻠﺧﺗﻟا مﺗﯾ ﻻأ بﺟﯾ مادﺧﺗﺳا ةدﺎﻋإ ﻰﻠﻋ ﻊﯾﺟﺷﺗﻠﻟ ﺔﯾﺎﻧﻌﺑ ﺎھرﯾودﺗ ةدﺎﻋإ مﺛ ،تﺎﻔﻠﺧﻣﻟا نﻣ ىرﺧﻷا عاوﻧﻷا نﻋ رﺻﺎﻧﻌﻟا هذھ لزﻋ ءﺎﺟرﻟا ،ﺎﯾﺋاوﺷﻋً تﺎﻔﻠﺧﻣﻟا نﻣ صﻠﺧﺗﻠﻟ

.مﺋاد لﻛﺷﺑ داوﻣﻟا دراوﻣ

لوﺻﺣﻠﻟ ﺎﮭﻟ نﯾﻌﺑﺎﺗﻟا ﺔﺻﺗﺧﻣﻟا ﺔﯾﻠﺣﻣﻟا ﺔﯾﻣوﻛﺣﻟا ﺔﮭﺟﻟا وأ ﺞﺗﻧﻣﻟا ﮫﻧﻣ اورﺗﺷا يذﻟا ﺔﺋزﺟﺗﻟا ﻊﺋﺎﺑﺑ لﺎﺻﺗﻻﺎﺑ لزﺎﻧﻣﻟﺎﺑ ﺞﺗﻧﻣﻟا وﻣدﺧﺗﺳﻣ موﻘﯾ نأ ﻲﻐﺑﻧﯾو

.ﺎﯾﺋﯾﺑً نﻣآ لﻛﺷﺑ رﺻﺎﻧﻌﻟا هذھ رﯾودﺗ ةدﺎﻋإ ﺔﯾﻔﯾﻛو نﺎﻛﻣ لوﺣ تﺎﻣوﻠﻌﻣ ﻰﻠﻋ

تﺎﻔﻠﺧﻣﻟا ﻊﻣ ﺔﯾﻧورﺗﻛﻟﻹا ﮫﺗﺎﻘﺣﻠﻣو ﺞﺗﻧﻣﻟا اذھ طﻠﺧ مﺗﯾ ﻻأ بﺟﯾو .ءارﺷﻟا دﻘﻋ طورﺷ ﺔﻌﺟارﻣو نﯾدروﻣﻟﺎﺑﱢ لﺎﺻﺗﻻا تﺎﻛرﺷﻟا ﻲﻣدﺧﺗﺳﻣ ﻰﻠﻋ ﻲﻐﺑﻧﯾ

.ﮫﻧﻣ صﻠﺧﺗﻟا دﻧﻋ ىرﺧﻷا ﺔﯾرﺎﺟﺗﻟا

مﯾﻠﺳ لﻛﺷﺑ ﺞﺗﻧﻣﻟا اذھ تﺎﯾرﺎطﺑ نﻣ صﻠﺧﺗﻟا

ىرﺧﻷا ﺔﯾﻟزﻧﻣﻟا تﺎﯾﺎﻔﻧﻟا ﻊﻣ ﺞﺗﻧﻣﻟا اذھ تﺎﯾرﺎطﺑ نﻣ صﻠﺧﺗﻟا مدﻋ ﻲﻐﺑﻧﯾ ﮫﻧأ ﻰﻟإ فﯾﻠﻐﺗﻟا داوﻣ وأ لﯾﻟدﻟا وأ ﺔﯾرﺎطﺑﻟا ﻰﻠﻋ ﺔﺣﺿوﻣﻟاﱠ ﺔﻣﻼﻌﻟا هذھ رﯾﺷﺗ نﻣ رﺛﻛأ صﺎﺻر وأ موﯾدﺎﻛ وأ قﺑﺋز ﺎﮭﺑ ﺔﯾرﺎطﺑﻟا نأ ﻰﻟإ ،تدﺟو ﺎﻣﺛﯾﺣ ،Pb وأ Cd وأ Hg ﺔﯾﺋﺎﯾﻣﯾﻛﻟا زوﻣرﻟا رﯾﺷﺗ .ﺎﮭﻣادﺧﺗﺳا ةرﺗﻓ ﺔﯾﺎﮭﻧ ﻲﻓ

.٦٦/۲۰۰٦ EC Directive ﻲﺑوروﻷا ﮫﯾﺟوﺗﻟا ﻲﻓ ﺎﮭﯾﻟإ رﺎﺷﻣﻟا تﺎﯾوﺗﺳﻣﻟا


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Samsung AR18MQFHCWKXMG, AR24KRFHRWK/MG, AR24MQFHRWKNMG, AR24MRFHRWKNMG تﺎﻔﻠﺧﻣﻠﻟ ﺔﻠﺻﻔﻧﻣ ﻊﯾﻣﺟﺗ ﺔﻣظﻧأ ﺎﮭﺑ ﻲﺗﻟا لودﻟا ﻲﻓ قﺑطﯾُ


The Samsung AR24MRFHRWK/MG, AR24MRFHRWKXMG, AR24KRFHRWKNMG, AR24MQFHRWKNMG, and AR24KRFHRWK/MG are part of Samsung's innovative line of air conditioning units designed to deliver optimal cooling and heating performance. These models cater to diverse consumer needs, featuring advanced technology, energy efficiency, and user-friendly designs.

One of the standout features of these air conditioning units is the Digital Inverter Technology. This technology allows the compressor to operate at variable speeds, significantly reducing energy consumption while maintaining a consistent temperature. Unlike traditional air conditioners that frequently turn on and off, the inverter compressors adjust their speed according to the cooling demand. This not only saves energy but also enhances the lifespan of the unit.

These models also emphasize air quality through a multi-stage filtration system. The filters effectively capture dust, allergens, and other particles, ensuring that the air circulated within the room is clean and healthy. The long-lasting filters are designed for ease of maintenance, allowing users to replace or clean them with minimal effort.

Moreover, the cooling efficiency is backed by a range of features aimed at enhancing comfort. The models come with a fast cooling mode that allows users to achieve desired temperatures quickly, ideal for those hot summer days. Additionally, the units are equipped with a Quiet Mode, ensuring minimal noise levels, making them suitable for use in bedrooms or workplaces.

Energy efficiency is a key characteristic of the Samsung AR24 series. With a high Energy Efficiency Ratio (EER) and seasonal energy efficiency ratings, these models not only lower energy bills but also contribute to a reduced environmental impact.

Smart technology integration is another compelling aspect of these units. Users can control their air conditioning systems remotely via smartphone applications, allowing for temperature adjustments and scheduling from anywhere. This feature enhances convenience and ensures that spaces are pre-cooled or heated before arriving home.

Further enhancing user experience, the sleek design of these models ensures they fit seamlessly into modern interiors. Their compact and stylish appearance makes them a visually appealing addition to any space, whether residential or commercial.

In summary, the Samsung AR24 series showcases advanced air conditioning technology combined with energy efficiency, ease of use, and superior air quality features, establishing it as an excellent choice for consumers looking for reliable and stylish climate control solutions.