English Media Play-DLNA
Using the DLNA ApplicationThe Programme Screen Layout
3 4 5 6 7
1 Menus: The following application menus
are provided : File, Share, Server, and
2 Click to share the selected PC server
3 Click to cancel sharing.
4 Click to refresh the PC folder and files.
5 Click to synchronize the share status.
6 The folders and files of the PC to be
shared are listed.
7 Folders shared by the user are listed.
Option Description
File Property
Shows information on the selected file or folder.
Method 1: Select a file or folder and select the File menu and then select the Property
Method 2: Select a file or folder, right-click over the selected file or folder and then select
Property from the pop-up menu.
Exits the DLNA application.
If you select Exit without applying the changes after changing the shared status, a message will appear
asking if you want to apply the changed settings to the PC. Select Yes to apply the changes and exit the
<Method 1> <Method 2>
BN68-01900M-01Eng.indb 58 2009-04-13 �� 10:07:40